April 2019

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Napoleon cover image

Dinner With the Emperor

We crossed the globe to meet up with Napoleon Bonaparte at the island exile where he spent his last days

votes for women cartoon

America's Second Revolution

A new exhibition tells the surprising story of the long battle for women’s suffrage

Hotel Lutetia opener photo

Haunted by History

The ghosts of Nazis, French resistance fighters and concentration camp survivors still inhabit the grandest hotel on Paris’ famed Left Bank

opening distillery image

Time in a Bottle

Madcap chemists are decoding the secrets of booze to recreate age-old vintages in a flash



Readers respond to our March issue


Lawn and Order

How did a symbol of suburban perfection become so creepy?


Conjuring History

Layered works testify to African-American loss and hope


The Myth of Fingerprints

Police today increasingly embrace DNA tests as the ultimate crime-fighting tool. They once felt the same way about fingerprinting


Creature Features

New high-tech ways biologists keep track of animals


The Heart of a Rivalry

The race to develop the first implantable cardiac machine featured two titans of Texas medicine



Forty years ago, the nation was stunned by the accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear reactor in Middletown, Pennsylvania. Mayor Robert Reid recalls the storm before the calm

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