August 1998

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How the Bard Won the West

Mountain man Jim Bridger could recite Shakespeare with the best of them

One Under the Sun

With a newly refurbished logo, the Smithsonian reaffirms its unity of purpose

Sharing the Gift of Music

An endowment accompanying rare instruments lets them be heard in performances and on recordings

The complete duplicating outfit including Edison's electric pen

A Wizard's Scribe

Before the phonograph and lightbulb, the electric pen helped spell the future for Thomas Edison

electric archtop

Review of 'Darwin's Dreampond: Drama in Lake Victoria and No Mercy: A Journey to the Heart of the Congo and Camping with the Prince and Other Tales of Science in Africa'

Drama in Lake Victoria and No Mercy: A Journey to the Heart of the Congo and Camping with the Prince and Other Tales of Science in Africa

Hell on Wheels
