Groundhog Day Recap — Winter Scenes at the Smithsonian

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The revelry extended beyond Pittsburgh’s city limits as Punxsutawney Phil awoke yesterday morning on Gobbler’s Knob, a hill about 65 miles northeast of the Steel City, to 13,000 spectators—some still wearing their black and gold. As you may have heard, the famed groundhog saw his shadow, predicting six more weeks of winter. (FYI: If you have regional allegiances, Jimmy the Groundhog from Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, was in agreement, but Staten Island Chuck is feeling an early spring.) The eight inches of snow in London yesterday and light flurries in D.C. this morning gave me reason to believe in the rodent's forecast.

On that note, I leave you to ponder these wintry scenes from around the Smithsonian, and the most puzzling question about Groundhog’s Day, how do we know if Phil actually saw his shadow?

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