Weekend Events: The Welsh Table, Andean Music and a Treasure Hunt!
Friday, June 26: The Welsh Table Exhibition Tour
Curator Jill Piercy will take you on a tour of the new exhibit, The Welsh Table, and introduce you to the work of ten Welsh ceramists. Afterwards, go out and enjoy a taste of Welsh culture at the 2009 Folklife Festival. Free. Ripley Center, 2:00 PM
Saturday, June 27: Indian Summer Showcase: Andes Manta
Come enjoy the sounds of Andean mountain music courtesy of Andes Manta, a group comprised of brothers Fernando, Luis, Bolivar and Jorge Lopez. With an arsenal of 35 instruments they play traditional Andean music—an ancient indigenous art form that managed to survive even after hundreds of years of European occupation. Free. American Indian Museum, 5:00 PM
Sunday, June 28: Ghosts of a Chance
The Smithsonian American Art Museum takes scavenger hunting to a whole new level with Ghosts of a Chance, a multimedia experience that will have you scouring museum walls and uncovering hidden objects. Scavenger hunt takes approximately 90 minutes to complete. Groups of ten or more must make an appointment to play; contact [email protected] to schedule.) Free. Register in the Luce Foundation between 2:30-6 PM. American Art Museum, 2:30-6 PM
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