Dinosaur Dispatch: Day 1
Michelle Coffey moves from biology class to the Bighorn Basin and prepares for her first dinosaur dig
Dinosaur Dispatch: Days 3 and 4
The paleontology team is finally in place. After setting up camp, the dig begins. Fossils are found and dinosaur tracks investigated
Dinosaur Dispatch: Days 6, 7 and 8
The team survives the Death March dig and makes an essential stop in Thermopolis
Dinosaur Dispatch: Days 9, 10 and 11
A new site and more digging yields a dinosaur discovery
Dinosaur Dispatch: Day 14
The paleontology team bids a fond farewell to Wyoming’s Big Basin
The Great Human Migration
Why humans left their African homeland 80,000 years ago to colonize the world
Bones to Pick
Paleontologist William Hammer hunts dinosaur fossils in the Antarctic
When Plants Migrate
The study of how plants moved north after the last ice age could mean new directions for conservation
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