This past weekend, on September 7, Brazilians celebrated their independence from the Portuguese, which was declared in 1822 amid a two-year war. While far-right parties in Brazil have appropriated the anniversary for their own means, apolitical commemorative events are held each year across the country and in diasporic communities across the world. From the crown of the Christ the Redeemer statue to the riverbeds of the South American country’s clear-blue waters, there are Instagram-worthy scenes at every turn in Brazil. See for yourself.

waterfalls under a starry nigh sky
Not accessible to most at night, these falls are located inside Iguaçu National Park, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Victor Lima, 2021
Ocean waters rush to a staircase that leads the way to welcoming seas.
Ocean waters rush to a staircase that leads the way to welcoming seas. Adri Pendleton, 2019
The tall sails of boats are reflected in the waters next to a sandbar off a Brazilian beach.
The tall sails of boats are reflected in the waters next to a sandbar off a Brazilian beach. Antonio Marin, 2019
A small house offers peak solitude, isolated on a grassy peninsula in the Amazon.
A small house offers peak solitude, isolated on a grassy peninsula in the Amazon. Michell Silva, 2020
Buff-necked ibises, known locally as curucaca, take a rest from their flight atop a bright-red roof.
Buff-necked ibises, known locally as curucaca, take a rest from their flight atop a bright-red roof. Roberval Santos, 2019
A small, blue-hued bird partakes in the bounty of a fruit tree.
A small, blue-hued bird partakes in the bounty of a fruit tree. Patricia Abreu, 2021
an aerial view of a river
With its turquoise-blue waters, the Sucuriú River is a stunning natural site. Marcio Esteves Cabral, 2019
Beachgoers enjoy the sunset on Juquehy Beach.
Beachgoers enjoy the sunset on Juquehy Beach. Tarek Raafat, 2019
a toucan sits in a tree
Native to South America, toco toucans are recognized as the largest species in the toucan family. Musti Esen, 2022
Christ the Redeemer statue hail the setting sun
The outstretched arms of the landmark Christ the Redeemer statue hail the setting sun. Chong Wu, 2023
A white, windowless dome is a signature architectural feature of the National Library in Brasília, the nation’s capital.
A white, windowless dome is a signature architectural feature of the National Library in Brasília, the nation’s capital. Apolo Sales, 2020
a floral forest in Brazil
Beautiful flora create a colorfully stunning scene in a serene forest outside Belo Horizonte. Veronica Alkmim, 2023
a waterfall on the border of Argentina and Brazil
The Iguazú Falls, known in Portuguese as Iguaçu, are a natural wonder on the border between Argentina and Brazil. Mark Zablotsky, 2019
Horses in Guarapuava gather to get a closer look at a camera pointed in their direction.
Horses in Guarapuava gather to get a closer look at a camera pointed in their direction. Clerio Back, 2023

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