
New smart phone apps highlight the importance of good sleep.

Snooze Science Yields Doze Apps

Now you can reportedly track what your brain has been doing all night, all in the name of a good night's sleep

Boston Dynamic's Big Dog robot would carry supplies in the battlefield.

In the Military, Inventiveness of All Kinds Is a Weapon

Experts say a changing battlefield prompts calls for increasing emotional intelligence as well as technical prowess

Honda's Asimo robot

Robots Get the Human Touch

Robots are able to do a lot of things. But now they're taking on the biggest challenge of all: Figuring out how humans work

The Geobulb LED light bulb

Don’t Curse the Darkness, Get One of the Bright New Lights

It's time to say good-bye to the iconic, but inefficient incandescent bulb and welcome in LEDs

The Silver Lining Project that pumps sea water into the sky to create sun-reflecting clouds.

Engineering the Climate

The idea of manipulating the Earth's atmosphere has been derided as too risky and too arrogant. That may be changing

What causes fear?

Where Fear Lives

Scientists are testing innovative ways to keep frightening memories from controlling people's lives

Hand gestures could replace your house keys.

Nine Inventions Whose Time Has Come

Some are ingenious, some long overdue and some a bit strange. But all provide a glimpse of a different future

"Car of the future" sketch from Ford

1955 Imagines Travel in 1965

The Ford Motor Company envisioned a Batmobile in every garage.

Gamers using FoldIt solved a riddle about the AIDS epidemic.

Can Crowdsourcing Really Spark Innovation?

Companies and scientists are using games and competitions to bring in fresh thinking from outsiders

Makerbot shot glasses

3D Printers Are Building the Future, One Part at a Time

Don't just download music. Download sculpture. Or a bicycle. That's the promise of 3D printing

The Chevy Spark

Seven Reasons to Believe Electric Cars Are Getting in Gear

They're not ready for prime time, but electric cars are starting to pick up speed

What do we have against creativity?

Why We Don’t Like Creativity

Everyone talks about innovation, but most people seem uncomfortable with the creative forces that make it happen


How Smart Can a City Get?

Experts think it's only a matter of time before cities are being run by sensors connected to powerful computers

What will be the future of spaceflight?

Space Travel in the 22nd Century

NASA and the Defense Department want scientists to start dreaming the next impossible dream: Exploring another solar system

New apps and gizmos are helping pets out.

Pet Tech Gears Up

Pet products are already a huge business. Innovations like pet GPS and remote feeding devices are making it even bigger

There are as many as 7,000 drones in service; apparently manufacturers are struggling to keep up with demand.

Drones Get Smarter

We're moving closer to the day when flying robots will make decisions on their own

Are these machines making us stupid?

Are Machines Dumbing Us Down?

The idea that technology is causing us to lose our mental edge won't go away

Solyndra offices

Can Solar Survive the Solyndra Swirl?

Following the collapse of the ballyhooed solar firm, these are dark times for renewable energy. But big players are betting it's treehugger fantasy

While Marie Curie dominates the conversation, there have been many other brilliant women who have pursued science over the years.

Ten Historic Female Scientists You Should Know

Before Marie Curie, these women dedicated their lives to science and made significant advances

Walmart gets into the social media game.

Walmart Goes Social

The day is coming soon when Walmart and other retailers will analyze your "social genome" by tracking what you say on Facebook and Twitter

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