Flooding in Manhattan

In Sandy’s Wake, Watch Out for Pollution

Potentially contaminated water pooled in the streets could be a health risk


Why We May Not See the Next Sandy Coming

Failing weather satellites will reduce our ability to forecast and track future storms


While the East Coast Focused on Sandy, Typhoon Son-tinh Battered East Asia

Sandy was not the only tropical cyclone this week


Some People See Their Future-Selves as Strangers

Some people see their future-selves as strangers, and thus don't plan ahead for their own old age


Ways to Watch Sandy That Are More Interesting Than Looking Out the Window And Safer Than Going Outside

Ways to Watch Sandy That Are More Interesting Than Looking Out the Window And Safer Than Going Outside


Giant Paintball Gun Could Save the World From Death-by-Asteroid

A big asteroid will eventually hit the Earth. What can we do to push it out of the way?


What If You Replaced All of New York City’s Carbon Dioxide Emissions with Big Blue Bouncy Balls?

Watch New York City get buried under its own carbon emissions


How To Film a Cheetah Sprinting at 61 Miles Per Hour

National Geographic shows how a team filmed Sarah, the fastest cheetah in the world, sprinting at top speed

A Massive Field of Frozen Greenhouse Gas Is Thawing Out

Vast stores of methane hydrates off the US east coast are thawing out, but what this means is still up in the air

This is exactly the type of comedic gold that Unpolitic.me could protect you from.

How to Completely Avoid Politics in Social Media

A new chrome extension automatically filters political posts from your social media feeds


People Discriminate Against Cats Based on Color, Too

People ascribe different personality traits to cats of different colors, a bias that skews adoption rates

The resemblance is uncanny.

Lady Gaga Gets an Entire Genus of Plants Named After Her

The next time you see a little fern out in the wild, it may just be a Gaga


This Stunning Photo of the Milky Way Could Carpet An Entire Apartment

A beautiful, zoomable, nine-gixapixel photo of the central Milky Way


Will NASA’s Newest Crowdsourcing Gambit End with a Curiosity or a COLBERT?

NASA needs your help naming its new research facility


Young People Still Love Libraries

Most Americans between 16 - 29 still use the library to get books—real, paper books

Rubble from the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake.

Italian Scientists Sent to Jail Because They Downplayed the Risk of an Earthquake

Six scientists and one former government official will do time for failing to accurately convey the risk of an earthquake


This Robot Dances Gangnam Style Better Than You

Charli, already a renowned soccer player, is now a slick dancer


No Life Found In Lakes Beneath Antarctic Glaciers—Yet

Scientists hoping to find life beneath Antarctic ice have so far come up empty-handed

Indiana Jones Cat doesn’t mind snakes so much.

Men Chasing Cat Stumble Upon 2,000-Year-Old Roman Treasures

A 2,000-year old burial chamber was discovered with the help of a cat


1950s Game Show Guest Had a Secret: He Saw Lincoln’s Assassination

A 5-year old Samuel J. Seymour saw Lincoln's assassination, lived to talk about it on a 1956 game show

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