From the Castle: Forward Thinking
The Smithsonian enters a new era of expansion—on the Web
Far Sighted
The Chandra X-Ray Center at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Laboratory helps scientists observe a fantastic range of phenomena
Two Centennials for the Smithsonian
In 2010, the Institution celebrates two seminal events – the founding of its Natural History Museum and the inauguration of its research in Panama
Day 4: Touring By Helicopter
Secretary Clough visits the driest place on the planet, Ernest Shackleton’s hut, penguins, whales and more on his final day in Antarctica
Day 3: A Day at the South Pole
Flying over the paths trod by explorers before him, Secretary Clough arrives at the South Pole eager to meet the Smithsonian scientists working there
Day 1: A Stopover in New Zealand
As the first Smithsonian secretary to set foot on Antarctica, Secretary Clough prepares for his trip from a research center in Christchurch
Day 2: Arriving at the Spectacular Antarctic
Secretary Clough lands on a barren continent intertwined with Smithsonian history, prepared to discover the research being done
How Do Smithsonian Curators Decide What to Collect?
The Star Spangled Banner and John Glenn's spacesuit were clearly musts. Other artifacts are less obvious
From the Castle - FDR's Stamps
FDR's Stamps
From the Castle
From the Castle
Smithsonian 2.0
From the Castle
Ways We Serve
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