A huge Allosaurus threatens a super-sized Diplodocus. Did such giant dinosaurs fart? We don't know.

Media Blows Hot Air About Dinosaur Flatulence

A new study claims dinosaur farts contributed to prehistoric climate change, but don't believe reports that they gassed themselves to death

The microstructure of Smets' "dinosaur" revealed the fossils to be petrified wood.

The Demise of a Wooden Dinosaur

A Victorian-era naturalist thought he'd found a new kind of dinosaur, and he threw a fit when other naturalists disagreed

A full-size restoration of what Aletopelta might have looked like, at the San Diego Natural History Museum.

Ankylosaur Reef

Even though dinosaurs never lived in the sea, a few unfortunate specimens created temporary reefs in ancient oceans

That sauropod looks quite frustrated. These dilapidated dinosaurs rest at Berlin's abandoned Spreepark.

Dinosaur Sighting: Berlin’s Dilapidated Dinosaurs

At a spooky abandoned theme park, once-regal dinosaurs are suffering a second extinction

A pair of Pachycephalosaurus face off at the Museum of Ancient Life in Utah.

Fossil Testifies to Pachycephalosaur Pain

A damaged skull throws support to the idea that some dome-headed dinosaurs butted heads

A promotional image, featuring a baby Pachyrhinosaurus, for Walking With Dinosaurs 3-D.

Dinosaur Cinema Explosion

After a long lull, a stampede of dinosaur films is headed for theaters

Small coelurosaurs like this Troodon appear to have maintained stable levels of disparity during the last 12 million years of the Cretaceous.

New Wrinkle to the Story of the Last Dinosaurs

Were the last dinosaurs thriving or declining just before Tyrannosaurus and kin disappeared?

The tooth of Ostrafrikasaurus as seen from the front (A), tongue side (B), back (c) and cheek side (d)

The Mysterious Teeth of Ostafrikasaurus

A pair of enigmatic teeth might hint that croc-snouted spinosaurs had a deeper history than we presently understand


Why Is It Cool To Hate On Dinosaur Discoveries?

Tyrannosaur traditionalists are registering their displeasure at the way paleontologists are altering our understanding of dinosaur lives

The shape of the "Pachysuchus" fossil (in grey) set into a sauropodomorph dinosaur skull

Pachysuchus Actually a Hidden Dinosaur

A strange jaw fragment, once thought to belong to a crocodile-like predator, turned out to be a dinosaur

The skull of Tarbosaurus

Tarbosaurus Leftovers Explain Dinosaur Mystery

Peculiar bite marks suggest why paleontologists have found so little of the enigmatic, long-armed dinosaur Deinocheirus

A restoration of Ichthyovenator by Michel Fontaine

Ichthyovenator: The Sail-Backed Fish Hunter of Laos

The spinosaur, apparently the first confirmed in Asia, had a wavy sail that dipped downwards at the hips, creating the appearance of two smaller sails


Dinotasia: Werner Herzog’s Gory Dinosaurs

The violent dinosaur documentary once known as Dinosaur Revolution gains new life in movie theaters

The cover art for Dinosaurs Vs. Aliens

Dinosaurs vs. Aliens

You know it had to happen eventually: Dinosaurs chomp aliens in forthcoming graphic novel

Paleontologists continue to find fascinating dinosaurs, such as this young Teratophoneus on display at the Natural History Museum of Utah. But will we ever see such creatures featured in a great dinosaur movie?

Will There Ever Be Another Great Dinosaur Movie?

Carefully crafted dinosaurs are an important part of any movie featuring the prehistoric creatures. But a good story is just as important, if not more so

Did egg-laying spell doom for non-avian dinosaurs, such as this crispy Troodon at the San Diego Natural History Museum?

How Eggs Shaped Dinosaur Evolution

Eggs may have been the secret to dinosaur success, but did they also lead to the dinosaurs' doom?

Camarasaurus, as envisioned by Erwin Christman

Wading With Sauropods

Before the Dinosaur Renaissance moved sauropods out of the swamps, paleontologists recognized that some of these dinosaurs were better suited to land

A pair of bristly Fruitadens models on display at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles

Fruitadens and the Dinosaur Diet

The dinosaur diet was not a simply a choice between steak or salad


When Tyrannosaurus Chomped Sauropods

Even though Tyrannosaurus missed Apatosaurus by many millions of years, the tyrant still had a chance to feed on long-necked giants

About 83 million years separated Late Jurassic icons—such as this Torvosaurus—from Cretaceous celebrities like Tyrannosaurus.

On Dinosaur Time

Though the Age of Dinosaurs ended long ago, less time separates us from Tyrannosaurus rex than separated T. rex from Stegosaurus

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