
This Giant Snail Is Giving Australia Terrible Flashbacks to the Last Giant Snail Takeover

The giant African snail is a true nightmare. So when Australian officials found one in a shipping container yard in Brisbane, they destroyed it as quickly as possible


Roller Derby Players Go Home With Bruises And a New Microbiome

Roller derby players come home with lots of bruises, scrapes and aches. But they also come home with an altered microbiome


What Mosh Pits Can Teach Us About Disaster Planning

Moshers might have more to offer society than you once thought. It turns out that mosh pits behave a lot like a container of gas, with each individual behaving like an atom

Being a Naturalist Is Way More Dangerous Than You Think

Some of these naturalists were murdered by people in the regions they were working. Others died of diseases or lost their lives to their research subjects


Seattle Dive Bar Bans Google Glasses

While the tech world debates the merits and pitfalls of wearing Google glasses, one bar in Seattle has made up its mind already


The European Union Wants to Ban Pornography

But the resolution is relatively vague on what exactly pornography is

Life on Earth May Have Been Seeded by Comets

Researchers at UC Berkeley recently added evidence to the idea that life on earth came from a comet


You Should Be Really Scared of the CDC’s ‘Nightmare Bacteria’

Recent reports of this "nightmare bacteria" have grabbed headlines, and there are reports of fatality rates as high as fifty percent. Basically, it's bad, and the CDC is really worried


Why Do Backrubs Hurt So Good?

Why are back rubs so great? Why aren't we all crazy for stomach rubs, or ankle rubs?

Female Butterflies Can Sniff Out Inbred Males

Unlike in humans, butterfly females can actually distinguish between inbred and outbred males by their scent

How to Make a Sandwich in Space

Astronaut Hadfield is described as "the International Space Station's ambassador to the internet." Now, he's showing you how to make a sandwich, in space


The U.S. And Russia Agree on One Thing: They Want to Save Polar Bears

In a rare moment of partnership, the U.S. and Russia are trying to join together to save the polar bear

Is This What Facebook’s Future Looks Like?


This Is What 15,000 Volts Look Like Going Into a Piece of Wood

More things in the world should be described as lightning made from molasses. Delicious, yet deadly

Animals Can Help Kids With Autism More Than Toys Can

Recently, researchers explored the potential for therapy animals to help kids with autism, and found that they were more effective than toys


This Might Be Why People Don’t Move Away From Tornado Zones

Living through a tornado doesn't change our optimism about our chances of injury compared to other people


This Is The Only Known Footage of George Orwell

Scholars had thought that, although he lived in the 1950s, author George Orwell's mug was never captured on film

Being a Soccer Fan Can Actually Kill You

During the 2006 World Cup watching a soccer game doubled the risk of a heart attack in German fans

The baby who was cured of HIV hasn’t been identified, but here’s another random picture of a baby in a hospital.

Mississippi Baby Might Have Been Cured of HIV

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University say they have cured a baby of HIV using standard HIV drugs very early in life


The Stupid Reason the NHL Drafts Older Players First

Take note, coaches: stop listening to Malcolm Gladwell, and start listening to science

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