
The Hobbit You Grew Up With Isn’t Quite the Same As the Original, Published 75 Years Ago Today

The Hobbit was first published 75 years ago today - and it wasn't exactly the way you remember it


The NFL’s Replacement Refs Are Changing the Odds for Gamblers

Gambling on NFL games is a huge industry, full of people making wagers on who will win this weekend, and the new referees are introducing a new set of probabilities


Does This Cat Know When You’re Going to Die?

Oscar the cat seems to know who will die and when - or perhaps he's just looking for someone to pet him


This Robot Is Made Entirely of Paper And It Can Walk

This guy built a whole robot out of paper, and it actually works


Who Really Has Six Percent Body Fat Anyway?

Paul Ryan shouldn't be ashamed of his body fat, it's probably lower than the average male, but it's definitely not six percent


These People With Amazing Memories Could Help Fight Crime

Super-recognizers - people who remember faces and names extremely well - could help police officers track and find criminals more effectively

After a Four Year Fight, Scientists Announce No Link Between XMRV and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

What you need to know about the recent XMRV, chronic fatigue syndrome announcement


This Story Has a Picture With It, So It Must Be True

A recent study found that statements accompanied by pictures are more likely to be taken as true than those without


What’s the Deal With the NFL’s Replacement Referees?

Here's what you need to know about how and why the NFL has turned to replacement referees during contract negotiations

A Map of Every Passenger Plane in the Skies at This Instant

This site tracks thousands of passenger planes as they fly around the world


What’s Their Bacon Number? Let Me Google That For You

If you've ever wondered what someone's Bacon number is, you now have to look no further than a quick Google search

The famous painting

Mona Lisa’s Body Might Soon Be Exhumed

The woman suspected to be the subject of Leonardo Da Vinci's famous painting might be buried in a church in Florence


Scientists Unleash Bacteria Into Boston Subway to Study Bioterrorism

To study the spread of biological agents, researchers sprayed bacteria into the Boston subway system

Don’t Trust Robots? The Pentagon Doesn’t Either

Not everyone at the Pentagon is ready to embrace the new robot army


Your Fridge Is the Most Important Invention in the History of Food

The Royal Society has decided that of all the things we've invented surrounding food, the refrigerator is the most important


What We Do (And Don’t) Know About the Movie Muslim Innocence

Everything you thought you knew about Sam Bacile, the movie , and the riots, is probably wrong

How an Obscure Video Sparked International Protests

Sam Bacile's movie was hardly seen at all in the United States, yet it incited a string of riots and the assassination of an American ambassador

This paper doll could end up with a nasty rash.

How Common Are Infections From Tattoo Ink?

A recent set of infections from tattoos has shed light on just how unregulated ink really is


Say Hello to Your New Octopod Overlord

Designer Sean Charlesworth has built a robot octopus out of 3-D printed parts


From Tweets to Tunes – Musicians Sonify Twitter

A group of musicians is reading your Tweets, and turning them into music

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