Start by figuring out the patterns in their language, says SETI researcher John Elliott.
NASA recently asked industry for concepts of small robotic landers for missions to the Moon. What could such machines accomplish?
The outing of Nevada' secret air base may be news, but it's not new
The tiltrotor begins White House duty
<p>Boeing sends one of its military models out onto the factory floor.</p>
The 13-inch astro-bot begins a year-and-a-half tour in orbit
<p>Students in the Mars Yard.</p>
The crew of Bockscar dropped the Fat Man bomb over Nagasaki just three days after the first nuclear weapon hit Hiroshima.
<p>A retired spacecraft is sent on a new orbit around the sun.</p>
These handy websites and smartphone apps eliminate the guesswork
Leonardo da Vinci, Birdwatcher
<p>Scientists always color inside the lines.</p>
<p>Performing a routine engine check.</p>
If you thought you were safe in the air, think again.
<p>A Langley airplane prepares for a flight.</p>
For the answer, we turned to James Lovell.
500 years after Leonardo, the mechanics of bird flight still enthralls.
Over half a century, a devoted few created the unique culture of Reno
Short decks and Swordfish
The Gutless Cutlass.
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