The space station's finished. Now what?
In March 1912, Capt. Albert Berry made the first parachute jump from an airplane.
When it comes to recycling water, space station astronauts are on the frontier.
How do you set a new distance record for paper airplanes? Recruit a college quarterback to throw it.
Our clocks are becoming increasingly out of sync with the Earth.
With the F-35, Lockheed Martin takes a turn trying to make one combat plane that can do everything.
First aero club in America? It depends on how you date it.
Jeremy Kinney, a curator at the National Air and Space Museum, shares his thoughts
If you need more than a few seconds to spot your target, the moment is lost.
Or close-up pictures of it, anyway.
Their assignment, February 26, 1967: Drop mines over Vietnam, something no jet had ever done.
Astronomers learn more about a hot, watery, exotic "super-Earth"
Want your luxury jet to be just a little quieter than your competitor’s? Otto Pobanz is your man.
The F-35 chalks up another testing first.
Let's hope Icon's A5 fares better in the marketplace
Helicopter designers could learn something from the skin of a scorpion.
In space, you can't beat the odds, but you can make a better sandwich.
The U.S. Navy floats a carrier-sized parking deck.
Survival training on the ground, and a spacewalk in orbit.
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