Got 3-D glasses? Then watch this
It’s hard to remember that hurricanes used to arrive without much warning
Robonaut 2—powered up
<p>Helicopter operations in sandy terrain make for ruff going.</p> <p> </p>
Orville was born this day in 1871, and in 1939, Roosevelt issued a national proclamation to designate August 19 as National Aviation Day
A recent paper suggests that early in the history of the Solar System, two sub-moons collided to create Earth’s present-day Moon
Meet the members of the 120th Fighter Squadron, who protect the skies over Colorado.
Astronauts travel to Afghanistan to meet U.S. soldiers
<p>At this summer's Comic-Con, it was the 1960s all over again.</p>
<p>A pair of galaxies line up in cosmic affirmation.</p>
What ever happened to the YB-49 and the XB-35?
Who can forget the immortal question posed by the Mongol General in the 1982 classic Conan the Barbarian?
<p>English pilots looked down to see what's ahead.</p>
The impending retirement of the Lockheed U-2, which began flying for the Central Intelligence Agency in 1956, has been in the news for a while now
<p>A WWII training model inspired by an amusement ride.</p>
Achieving an aft-wheel pinnacle landing in a CH-47 Chinook helicopter is challenging even before you add enemy fire, darkness, or time pressure
As reported on AOL: “Myrtle Rose, a 75-year-old grandmother of nine and pilot, was intercepted by two F-16 fighter jets over suburban Illinois on Thursday
A Horten H IX V3 look-alike appears alongside Chris Evans in "Captain America"
How Far Is Too Far?
<p>Golf is always winter rules at Thule AFB, Greenland.</p>
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