A geologist uses topographic maps to measure slopes, depths, heights and the general shape of landforms.
<p>She's been found.</p>
Space shuttle historian Dennis Jenkins took a poignant ride alongside the vehicle's last external tank on Monday as it completed its long journey to the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida. A NASA contract engineer with 30 years in the shuttle program, Jenkins also is the author of Space Shuttle...
A documentary celebrates the famous and not-so-famous pioneers of spaceflight.
The former territory’s first pilots didn’t let snow, ice, and a lack of runways stop them from building a new industry.
<p>But let me sit down for a second...</p>
<p>The best light show in the solar system.</p>
A band of space scientists and engineers take their fight for privacy all the way to the Supreme Court.
The bumper stickers available at the door read, "My other vehicle is unmanned."More and more, that's becoming true for a variety of government agencies—and not just the defense department—as was evident at the UAV Technology Fair held yesterday at the Rayburn House office building in Washington, D....
On this day in 1953, 21-year-old North Korean pilot No Kum-Sok astonished the American flyers at Kimpo Air Base in South Korea by landing in the middle of their runway and surrendering—thus becoming the first MiG pilot to defect to the West. In his fascinating 1996 book, A MiG-15 to Freedom, No (w...
This looks like fun work.And the people on the SMAVNET Project think they set a record for the largest number of flying robots (10) deployed at a single time outdoors.
<p>Not in this kind of wind.</p>
<p>Still plenty hot at 6:00 in the evening.</p>
When I saw this new image of the six guys locked inside the Mars 500 mission simulation chamber in Moscow, I feared for their mental health.But they seem to be doing fine. In fact, they just broke the previous Mars chamber endurance record:
Where do old astronauts go? Some of them simply can't shake that need for speed, so they strap on exotic aircraft and sign up for the Reno National Championship Air Races. Of the three astronauts who have taken up air racing -- Hoot Gibson, Bill Anders, and Curt Brown -- Brown, a two-time Reno cham...
<p>Jeb Corliss' excellent European vacation.</p>
The aerospace giant teams up with the world’s only space tourism agency to ferry passengers to orbit.
Former space shuttle commander Frank Culbertson stepped up to the podium inside a hearing room in the Rayburn House office building yesterday morning, and talked about inspiration. He turned to his left and thanked moon walker Buzz Aldrin for a kind gesture last year during a visit to the Johnson S...
New York City’s first municipal airport couldn’t take a bad picture.
Images from the archives of the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum
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