Remember we told you the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) would be good at spotting near-Earth asteroids?Well, it is. And it has.Here (the red dot at center) is WISE's first find, a half-mile-wide chunk of rock called 2010 AB78, currently about 98 million miles from Earth. It's no threat,...
<p>An airport busier than it's ever been.</p>
NASA’s Spirit rover goes into survival mode on Mars.
<p>The view doesn't get any better.</p>
On August 16, 1960, U.S. Air Force Captain Joe Kittinger stepped out of the gondola of a balloon at 102,800 feet above New Mexico wearing a pressure suit. In the thin air, he accelerated to 614 miles an hour in free fall before denser atmosphere slowed his plunge to a speed that allowed him to open...
Oldies and Oddities: Tinseltown’s Training Base
<p>Compared to Saturn, not really titanic.</p>
What World War II fighter was a product of the Nutmeg State?
A recent donation by Michael and Maureen Harrigan helps the Museum fulfill its mission.
<p>The Navy's Military Sealift Command, saving lives one at a time.</p>
So warns Pride Aircraft in its advertisement offering a pair of Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker Cs for sale. No "aircraft dreamers," either. So you'll have to be content to just read it and weep, or drool, but please, not on your moisture-adverse keyboard. Pride, which restores and sells what you might call "...
At the recent American Astronomical Society meeting in Washington D.C., astronomers Peter Garnavich of the University of Notre Dame and Alex Filippenko of the University of California at Berkley described a whopping stellar explosion called Y-155. It started out as a Humpty Dumpty of a star, about ...
<p>The Gulfstream IV channels its inner weatherman.</p>
<p>The U-2 keeps going, and going, and...</p>
The aviation community has responded to the Haiti earthquake with tremendous resolve, so much so that the National Business Aviation Association and the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association have established on their Web sites ongoing advisories on how pilots and aircraft owners can best serve the...
<p>Why not consider a career as an astronaut?</p>
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