Air & Space Magazine

Lindbergh for Sale

Stanley King's memorabilia collection.

Sixty-five years ago, the island was burning during a two-hour aerial assault that drew the United States into World War II.

Where the War Began

A new aviation museum preserves Pearl Harbor's past.

The roof of the building chosen to host El Paso's air marker required some ingenuity in siting the letters.

Show Me the Way to Go Home

Long before the Global Positioning System, pilots got from town to town by reading rooftops.

DoD photo by Master Sgt. Keith Baxter, USAF

The Raptor Rocks

F-22s treat airshow fans to a maneuverability demo.


Tomcat Photo Gallery

Tomcat Photo Gallery

Cassini views Enceladus in July 2005.

Mission to Enceladus

NASA summer students plot a course for Saturn's mysterious ice world.

Artist’s conception of several solar system bodies shown to scale: Earth, Pluto and its moon Charon (far left), Eris (top), Eris, and Earth’s moon. Which one doesn’t fit in?

Planethood: A Debate

Two leading scientific experts consider what to call Pluto in the wake of a controversial IAU finding.

Tales of the F-14

More recollections of the fabled fighter

Celebrating the RCCA's 2006 National Combat Contest.

Fight Club

Model airplanes battle each other for dominance and acclaim.


Drama in the Cockpit

The last words of doomed airline crews make for riveting theater.


Star Quality

How did we love the Tomcat? On the 20th anniversary of Top Gun, we count the ways.


The Grumman Cats

Just under nine lives that created a company legend.

Iranian F-14 pilots were part of an air force that endured 12-hour combat air patrols, a brutal regime, and a ruthless enemy.

Persian Cats

How Iranian air crews, cut off from U.S. technical support, used the F-14 against Iraqi attackers.


Swing Wings

It's all done with computers (and good old-fashioned hydraulics).

Feathers ruffled, a "Turkey" rests on the deck of the Harry S. Truman while a Sikorsky MH-60S Knighthawk hoists in supplies for the carrier population.

Tomcat Tribute

The Navy's fearsome fighter retires.


Norman Rockwell's Ghost

The most artistic collaboration of the entire Apollo program.



Why the fire in a perfectly healthy jet engine can die.

Orbital platforms can bolster or challenge global climate change theories. Satellites have confirmed a 500,000- square-mile reduction of Arctic Sea ice since 1979.

Keep Watching the Ice

Meet the satellites bringing data to the discussion of global warming

The powdery lunar soil was great for making footprints, but was a problem for astronauts like Charlie Duke, shown here during the Apollo 16 mission in 1972. It got in their eyes and throats, and clung stubbornly to every surface.

Stronger Than Dirt

Lunar explorers will have to battle an insidious enemy—dust.

AAU CubeSat was a student satellite project at the University of Aalborg, Denmark, initiated in 2001. A second version is already in the works.

How small can satellites get and still be functional?

From Nanosats to Femtosats.

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