Armed with a copy of the 1954 pilot handbook, I climbed into the F3D Skynight’s cockpit.
Fake dates, fake radio messages: What else did this early aviator make up?
Vikas Prakash wants to move cab riders off the ground and into the air.
Rocket Lab debuts its Electron launcher from New Zealand.
The best shots from this year’s competition.
On the far side of Edwards Air Force Base, a quirky museum of flight.
You’d be surprised what you can see from 300 miles up.
Trying to pinpoint the origin of life on Earth.
E.L. Trouvelot's 150-year-old images are going on display in California this April
Does that mean a second human lineage could have developed technology?
Let the lunar lobbying begin.
A new system aims to end costly delays on the runway during ice storms.
The death of pilot Harry Brooks 90 years ago ended dreams of an “air Flivver.”
Your air taxi is on the way, but arrival may be delayed.
Martian microbes may rely on the same survival strategies as desert dwellers on our own planet.
The astronaut who pioneered the MMU jetpack recounts the history of one of NASA’s greatest inventions.
Rolling isn’t the best way to move around a sandy planet. Flying is okay, though.
Researchers simulate alien lakes to learn how difficult they’d be to explore.
This agricultural drone requires no human supervision at all.
Future telescopes may be able to tell how smooth or rugged alien landscapes are.
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