The all-rookie Inspiration4 crew will spend days in orbit, instead of a few minutes above the atmosphere.
Here we go again: biology or unknown abiotic process?
And no, it’s not a moon landing.
Our planet’s shadow against the Sun could have been seen from thousands of nearby solar systems.
The environmental setting makes all the difference.
A new meaning for the old expression, “No bucks, no Buck Rogers.”
Reviewing our own species’ behavior suggests a cautious approach to contact with extraterrestrials.
New results cast doubt on the presence of life in the Venusian atmosphere.
How my Navy squadron learned that gremlins are real.
Stunt pilot Paul Mantz’s speedy P-51, <i>Excalibur III</i>.
Hans-Helmut Gerstenhauer earned a place in history. He would have settled for a job.
Who were the men and women aboard the space shuttle on that disastrous day?
How one man makes science fiction look real.
A leading expert on planetary astronomy reflects on what the next generation of space telescopes might reveal.
It’s no big deal for the HC-130J.
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