Air & Space Magazine


Thunderbirds Lineup

The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds perform during the Cheyenne Frontier Days in Wyoming.

This new 39-foot-diameter impact crater formed sometime between October 25, 2012 and April 21, 2013.

Lunar Craters May Be Forming Faster Than We Thought

New images show a more active surface on the Moon.

Aurora Flight Sciences' LightningStrike concept

Uber Looks to the Skies

One day, you may be able to summon a drone.


Dusty Star Formation

A new image from ESO's Paranal Observatory in Chile gives an incredibly sharp view of the dust obscuring the star formation region in Messier 78.

Listen up, aliens: ESA's deep space antenna in Cebreros is about to broadcast.

Is Beaming Messages to Other Stars a Wise Idea?

The debate continues, even as a new transmission is aimed at Polaris.


Does it Lift?

An HL-10 lifting body model gets tested at the Full Scale Tunnel at NASA's Langley Research Center in the 1960s. (See engineer at the mouth of the tunnel for scale.)

A view of activity in the Earth's magnetosphere today, courtesy of the Space Weather Prediction Center.

Now You Can Get Regional Forecasts of Space Weather

Solar storm warnings just got a little more user-friendly.


City Growth

The city of Lilongwe, Malawi in Africa has grown from a population of 19,000 50 years ago to over one million in 2015. This image was taken by Landsat, as part of its mission to monitor the changes on our planet.

A British soldier releases Prox Dynamics' Black Hornet

Forget the Predator, Military Drones Are Getting Smaller

Look out for the little ones.

This Rosetta image of the “head” of the comet, which resembles the shape of a duck, was taken from a distance of about 10 miles during the final descent on September 30.

Farewell, Rosetta

The comet mission ends with a last hurrah.


Pave Hawk Eclipse

An HH-60 Pave Hawk passes in front of the sun during exercises over Nevada.


Goodbye, Rosetta

On September 30, the <a href="" target="_blank">Rosetta spacecraft's mission comes to an end</a>. The ESA comet orbiter reached Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko in August 2014 and a few months later sent the Philae lander to the surface&mdash;the first ever successful landing on a comet. Now that the comet has swung around the sun and is headed farther and farther away, Rosetta would be unable to collect enough power from its solar cells or communicate with Earth. This morning, mission control directed Rosetta to crash into the comet, and <a href="">collected some incredible up-close observations</a> from the spacecraft.

NASA concept art for a thin-haul commuter airplane.

NASA Wants Ideas for the Next Electric Airplane

Looking beyond the X-57.

More than 100,000 people attend the California Capital Airshow in Sacramento. The show has entertained Californians and their neighbors since 2004.

A New Home for a Historic Airplane Competition

Expertly restored vintage aircraft will be on view once again—in Sacramento.

This could be you, circa 2025.

Did SpaceX Just Pass NASA on the Road to Mars?

Elon Musk’s biggest, boldest plan yet.


Evac Away

The Army conducts a jungle training course, including a medical evacuation, in Guam.

Artist’s conception of the KPLO, Korea’s planned lunar orbiting mission, scheduled for launch in late 2018.

South Korea’s 2018 Lunar Mission

Another nation joins the international movement to the Moon.


Raptor Strike

F-22A Raptors of the 94th Fighter Squadron drop munitions during an exercise.


Picking up the Frequency

Bell Telephone Laboratories built the Horn reflector antenna in Holmdel, New Jersey to pick up signals from NASA's ECHO I communication satellites in 1959.

Inside Hangar One at Moffett Field.

Inside Hangar One

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