A former animal trainer explains how we might usefully think about the limitations of artificial intelligence systems
In the Jardines de la Reina, an archipelago in the southern part of Cuba, two species have managed to co-exist in not-quite-harmony
Explore this 1,500-acre aircraft boneyard in the Sonoran Desert
Early scientists wielded this revolutionary tool to study the invisible world of microbes, and even their own semen
In England and the United States, the fear of beggars gave rise to a number of justifications for why they shouldn't be helped
But does a cardboard bassinet actually reduce infant mortality?
Rock-bashing in otters is a very old behavior
Doctors find that a stroke-detection technology could be useful in screening for intracranial bleeding
The preeminent vocalist didn't actually start out as a singer
Lionfish, which are native to the Indo-Pacific but were accidentally introduced to the Caribbean, are decimating native fish species
A new study suggests that fruit, not social relationships, could be the main driver of larger brains
Some of the largest organisms will surprise you
The tale of "Seward's Folly" must also be seen through the eyes of Alaska's native populations
CloudFisher does exactly as its name implies—drawing water down from the sky
The best historic coffee shops around the world, from Paris to Buenos Aires
The key to managing the disease, which afflicts 29 million people in the U.S., might be in big data
The magical new attraction spans an entire city block
In some cases, the use of the second-person pronoun could help us put distance between ourselves and negative emotions
Spice up your mating life with relationship tips from rock lizards, sharks and water fleas
On May 31, 1916, a small skirmish between British and German warships would pave the way for the biggest naval confrontation of WWI
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