
A great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) in South Africa shows its jaws.

Shark Week

The State of Sharks, 40 Years After <em>Jaws</em>

We could be at a tipping point for conserving the infamous predators, if we can keep up shark-friendly practices

Dogfish shark denticles viewed using a scanning electron microscope.

Shark Week

Why Are Scientists Trying To Make Fake Shark Skin?

Faux marine animal skin could make swimmers faster, keep bathrooms clean and cloak underwater robots

Google hosts its fourth-annual science fair. Shown here, the 2013 winners.

Google Thinks These 18 Teenagers Will Change the World

The global finalists of this year’s Google Science Fair take on cyberbullying countermeasures, tar sands cleanup and wearable tech

This fall, blind passengers will be able to navigate these halls completely independently thanks to a new iPhone app.

Tech Watch

Indoor Mapping Lets the Blind Navigate Airports

A prototype system of an iPhone app and location beacons launched at San Francisco International Airport

Not so mysterious: This is not a realistic depiction of a T. rex dinner.

The Ten Biggest Dinosaur Mysteries We Have Yet to Solve

Which one was the first, the biggest, the fuzziest? These puzzles continue to perplex paleontologists

A NASA satellite image shows Hurricane Iselle approaching Hawaii, with Hurricane Julio hot on its heels.

What Happens When a Hurricane Meets a Volcano?

When Iselle crosses the Big Island of Hawaii, it will offer a rare glimpse at a clash of the titans

These Smart Bricks Mean the Time Has Finally Arrived: Adults Have Legos of Their Own

A construction company aims to build more efficiently with modular connecting bricks

Two hurricanes, Iselle and Julio, that could hit Hawaii this weekend (seen here in a satellite image captured August 4) may have been influenced by an El Niño developing in the Pacific.

New Research

Ancient Clam Shells Show That What Drives El Niño Is Still Unclear

Earth’s path around the Sun may play a role, but other factors are still unknown

A critically endangered European eel.

New Research

Eels Are Victims of Noise Pollution

Critically endangered European eels get distracted by man-made noise, making them more likely to get eaten by a predator

A pig appears to enjoy a refreshing bath.

From Panting to Pooping, 8 Weird Ways Animals Keep Cool

While you (and horses) are busy sweating buckets, some animals have evolved bizarre ways to keep cool

A trim cellphone accessory keeps you in touch when there's no cell service in sight.

Tech Watch

No Network? This Device Will Get Texts Through No Matter What

The GoTenna smartphone accessory uses short-wave radio signals to send messages, no cell tower necessary

The same week that Ella Jenkins turns 90, Smithsonian Folkways is releasing her 40th album.

At 90, Ella Jenkins, the First Lady of Children’s Music Has a New Album

Celebrate her birthday with her latest, a compilation of children's songs from around the world

Algae floating on Lake Erie seeped into the City of Toledo's water supply, forcing a region-wide water ban.

The Algae Problem in Lake Erie Isn’t Going Away Anytime Soon

The Great Lake is sick, and Toledo’s toxic algae is just a symptom

Bernard Kleina took rare color photographs of Martin Luther King Jr. during the Chicago Freedom Movement.

Breaking Ground

A Collection of Rare Color Photographs Depicts MLK Leading the Chicago Freedom Movement

The Smithsonian has acquired some of the only known images of Martin Luther King Jr. at the momentous protest

Fun fact: Most of the fish oil harvested from the sea goes to fish farms.

New Research

Fish Oil Could (One Day) Come From Plants

A field trial of genetically modified oilseed plants that can make fish oil hopes to help fish farming become more sustainable

Customers shop at the Deering Oaks Farmers' Market in Portland, Maine.

Where is Your Closest Farmers’ Market?

Farmers’ markets are becoming more and more ubiquitous. Use this map to find the one nearest your home

Your Guide to Shopping at the Farmers' Market and Keeping Your Purchases Fresh at Home

The summer is prime time for shopping at the farmers market, yet, making those finds last can be a challenge

Kitt Peak, an observatory located south of the Baboquivari Wilderness on the Tohono O'odham reservation in the early evening.

Baboquivari Peak Wilderness

Scenic desert, rock climbing, splendid vistas

Sailboats moor at Presque Isle Bay on Stockton Island in Lake Superior's Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, Wisconsin

Gaylord Nelson Wilderness

Pristine sandscapes, boreal forest and wild game

Hiker in Dolly Sods Wilderness Area

Dolly Sods Wilderness

Rocky plains, upland bogs and a variety of flora

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