In a new book, James Barrat warns that artificial intelligence will one day outsmart humans, and there is no guarantee that it will be benevolent
The private spaceflight company is missing a crucial FAA permit
We can't decide if these moving paintings are cool or totally creepy
China is sending detectable levels of pollution to the U.S., but a significant fraction of it results from manufacturing products for American customers
An analysis of one ball's contents found silicon, iron and calcium—the main components of dirt
Halal meat is supposed to adhere to strict religious rules, but a new study suggests it isn’t quite so spotless
The drug has allowed mice to replace old anxiety-filled memories with new, harmless ones
A little background in food science can turn you into a next-level foodie
Choir director Alise Ojay's vocal exercises have been shown to work throat muscles that help silence the snorer within
Two pints of water from a 1.2 million gallon tank were all that was needed to identify 13,000 fish
Who do you go to when you need a giant crocodile statue? This guy
For the past 10 years, hundreds of seals equipped with special headgear have collected crucial data on ocean temperature and salinity for scientists
If the tortoises' shells are marred with numbers and letters, they'll be less appealing to poachers
A series of exposures shows the oldest surviving photo of the Moon
Iconic images of Dr. King from the Smithsonian collection
Ancient Egypt's King Senebkay just arose after a 3,650 year slumber
Pushing start times back just 25 minutes can increase how much sleep teens get and how productive they are
A controversial technique to develop body parts from stem cells may someday save countless lives, but will society allow it?
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