When humans first set foot on Australia’s northern shores, a bird three times the height of an emu, would have been on their menu
Atlantic puffins had nearly vanished from the Maine coast until a young biologist defied conventional wisdom to lure them home
Hummingbirds, birch trees, queen bees, northern quolls and more...
Readers Respond to the April Issue
The famous beat poet's photographs reveal an American counterculture at work and play
The Chandra X-Ray Center at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Laboratory helps scientists observe a fantastic range of phenomena
In 1972, artists Christo Jeanne-Claude envisioned building a fence, but it would take a village to make their Running Fence happen
With To Kill a Mockingbird, published 50 years ago, Lee gave America a story for the ages. Just don't ask her about it
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