
Honeymooners on the moon as imagined by illustrator Arthur Radebaugh (June 1, 1958 Closer Than We Think)

Honeymoon on the Moon

Newlyweds who didn't want to visit the cliched destination of the time, Niagara Falls, dreamt of one day spending their first days as a couple on the moon


Nothing Out of the Ordinary: Squirrel Stewed, 1878

A collection of old community cookbooks reflects a changing ecology and a cultural shift: the decline of hunting, chitlins and pig's feet

A pair of Tyrannosaurus restored in the act at Spain’s Jurassic Museum of Asturias

The Anatomy of Dinosaur Sex

Despite the rarity of direct evidence, paleontologists know quite a bit about dinosaur gonads

A fruit fly

Anti-Gravity Machine for Levitating Fruit Flies

A powerful magnetic field counteracted Earth's gravity and disrupted gene expression during development

Ryan Monger (at left) set out for Costa Rica in 2004 looking for waves. There, on the beach, he found something much better.

Love on the Road

Traveling does seem to facilitate encounters—especially between like-minded people searching for similar things

Clint Eastwood at the opening of the Warner Bros. Theater

Curator Amy Henderson: How The Stars Just Dazzle Us

The National Portrait Gallery expert on celebrity culture admits that she is often captivated by the glamour and glitz that defines the Hollywood superstar

President Ulysses S. Grant with First Lady Julia Dent Grant and son Jesse in 1872.

The Civil War

General Grant in Love and War

The officer who gained glory as a warrior in the Civil War also had a domestic side.


Mark Twain on Where Babies Come From

The American humorist lends his reasoning for his long and fruitful marriage

Let's Kiss.

Everything You Wanted to Know About Food and Sex (But Were Afraid to Ask)

What is the term for a "euphoric sensation upon eating amazingly delicious food"

A restoration of Lambeosaurus magnicristatus, a dinosaur once thought to represent the male form of Lambeosaurus lambei, but now known to be a distinct species.

Intimate Secrets of Dinosaur Lives

Scientists are searching for dinosaur sex differences in features like size, ornamentation and bone structure—not the bits actually used during mating

Would you attend Europe's biggest singles event?

Romance Against the Odds

Where marriage is a form of defiance and matchmaking is a game of chance

“Commune Gothic” Summer 1970

Brotherhood Spirit in Flesh Soup, or a Recipe Calling For Love

The counterculture has long been characterized by a single word: “love.” For some hippie communards, love was also a recipe ingredient

What’s Science Got to Do With It?

Can anyone really make sense of romance? Researchers keep trying because, frankly, we want answers

Come to the Freer for a dinner of Taiwanese beef noodles and a movie, "Eat Drink Man Woman."

Events Feb 14-16: Handi-hour, Noodles and a Movie, and a Mardi Gras Special

Make a craft for your Valentine at the Renwick Gallery, try Taiwanese noodles at the Freer Gallery, celebrate Mardi Gras with Little Red and the Renegades

Baby, we're pair-bonded for life.

Geeky Gifts for Your Valentine

Having trouble finding a gift that matches the brilliance of your Valentine? We've got the solutions

Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum in Screen Gems' The Vow

Finding Love at the Movies

Hollywood does romance best in its comedies

An advertising campaign from the American Federation of Musicians

Musicians Wage War Against Evil Robots

Did sexual selection cause sauropods, such as this Barosaurus at the Natural History Museum of Utah, to evolve ludicrously long necks?

Sex and Dinosaur Necks

Did competition for mates drive the evolution of the enormous, long-necked sauropods?

Dylan performs at the Newport Folk Festival

Bob Dylan’s Jacket Comes to the American History Museum

The legendary performer's leather jacket from the night he went electric will be part of a new exhibition

Two lovers at the canal St-Martin

Is Paris Really for Lovers?

Give Paris its due, but the place has at least its share of unromantic features

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