
Gold bullion from the National Bank of Poland

What Is Rarer Than Gold?

Other than the human tendency for imitating magpies, gold really isn't all that special

Will Leslie's kitchen forgive her for reckless abandonment?

Inviting Writing: Can a Kitchen Forgive?

We've grown apart, I know. But it's me, really, not you. I've been cheating on you with easy catches and have brought home some unsavory characters

The Paricutin Volcano, 1943, taken by William F. Foshag, NMNH curator of minerals.

Events August 8-11: Student Sit-ins, When Volcanoes Erupt and John Wayne in the Philippines

This week: experience the Greensboro lunch counter sit-ins, get a lesson on volcano scholarship and attend an evening "Mingle at the Museum"


The “Spirit of Tuskegee” Stearman Lands in DC

After a month-long trip from California to Washington, D.C., a biplane once used to train Tuskegee Airmen arrives at the Smithsonian

Still from Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Rise of the Chimp Movies

Project Nim and Rise of the Planet of the Apes are very different movies, but both question the ethics of chimpanzee research

Dried herbs

Saving the Flavor of Fresh Herbs

Whether homegrown or store-bought, there are ways to preserve the flavor of fresh herbs for later

Marilyn Monroe's gloves

Remembering Marilyn Monroe

Forty-nine years ago today, America's biggest movie star was found dead at the age of 36. Why did she take her own life?

A Protoceratops skeleton with an associated track (outlined in a box near the hips).

Protoceratops: The Cinderella of Dinosaurs

Have scientists found "the holy grail of vertebrate ichnology"—a dinosaur dead in its tracks?

Chapman To and Wong Cho-lam star in “La Comédie Humaine,” screening at the Freer Galley Friday at 7 PM

Weekend Events August 5-7: Chinese Comedy, Story Time, and the Star-Spangled Banner

A Chinese film screening, fold the Star-Spangled Banner and other upcoming events for the weekend


Thirty Years of Food in Music Videos

On MTV's birthday, an appreciation of the coffee, cakes, candy, breakfast cereals and milkshakes of song

If these bones have been gnawed on, scientists can tell if it was an herbivore or a carnivore doing the chewing

Archaeologists May Have A Bone To Pick With Herbivores

Carnivores aren't the only creatures munching on bones, and herbivores are not the strict vegans we think they are

Jurassic Park poster

An Open Letter to Steven Spielberg

Something has been troubling me, Steve. I worry what your recent news means for us dinosaur fans

Elis the pedlar, a Welsh packman working the villages around Llanfair in about 1885.

The Last of the Cornish Packmen

An encounter on a lonely road in the furthest reaches of the English West Country sheds light on the dying days of a once-ubiquitous profession

What are the National Zoo's gorillas plotting?

The List: 5 Reasons Why We Should Worry About an Ape Revolution

With the release of Rise of the Planet of the Apes, we should be prepared in case apes attempt to take over our world

The M-dress

Clothes Encounters

Clothing embedded with nanotechnology taps into our growing desire to turn everyday things into electronic gadgets

The Jesse Owens stamp

Jesse Owens Wins his First Gold

Despite a climate thick with racial tension, 75 years ago today, the track star made history at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin

We haven't had a message from ET yet, but maybe we're not looking in the right way.

Ten Ways to Search for Intelligent Life in the Universe

If radio messages are out, try looking for asteroid mining, planetary pollutants, or alien artifacts here on Earth

Doughnut Burger

What Makes a Satan Sandwich?

If one were to go down to the crossroads at midnight and call the devil's name three times, what dish would appear in a poof of fire and brimstone?


Dinosaur Office

As bad as your workplace is, at least you don't have to worry about your tyrannosaur boss eating you for lunch

Closing Soon: 1) "Calder's Portraits: A New Language;" 2) "Vantage Point: The Contemporary Native Art Collection;" 3) "Chinamania: Whistler and the Victorian Craze for Blue-and-White;" 4) "Fragments in Time and Space"*

Hurry In! Exhibitions Closing in August

Summer and the city is hot. Refresh and cool down at these exhibits, closing this month

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