Human Behavior

Repeated in pop culture for a century, the notion that humans only use 10 percent of our brains is false. Scans have shown that much of the brain is engaged even during simple tasks.

Top Ten Myths About the Brain

When it comes to this complex, mysterious, fascinating organ, what do—and don’t—we know?


The Manga Guide to Relativity


Boredom and Other Helpful Time Wasters


Sarah Zielinski Wins Writing Award


Going To The Park May Make Your Life Better


Why Scientific Ignorance Can Kill You


The Curious World of Zombie Science

Zombies seem to be only growing in popularity, and I'm not talking about the biological kind


Is There A "Homer Simpson Effect" Among Scientists?

Despite decades of progress for women in science (and some arguments that no more is needed), the playing field still isn't level


Five Reasons Anti-Evolution Measures are a Bad Idea

This is the story of a missing link that never was.

Piltdown Man, Paleoanthropology's April Fool's

This is the story of a missing link that never was


Cities as Seen by Locals or Tourists


Women in Science

Smithsonian spotlights the women that are changing the face of scientific research

Under the right conditions, patterns emerge from the brain's monumental complexity.

Beauty of the Brain

Stunning new images reveal the marvelous and mysterious world inside our heads


The Secret Behind Van Gogh's Fading Sunflowers


Valentine's Day Gifts for the Geek You Love


Seven Steps to Antarctic Living


How to Keep the Needles on Your Christmas Tree

Putting up a live Christmas tree can be a lot of work


Great Science Books for the Little Ones

From hiccups to wisdom teeth, our own bodies are worse off than most because of the differences between the wilderness in which we evolved and the modern world in which we live.

The Top Ten Daily Consequences of Having Evolved

From hiccups to wisdom teeth, the evolution of man has left behind some glaring, yet innately human, imperfections


New Language Found in India

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