New ancient animals will likely be discovered in 310 million-year-old fossilized trees in Nova Scotia
A small, 150 million-year-old dinosaur unearthed in Wyoming ran on the ground, but it may have been closely related to some of the first fliers
The Fourth of July is also National Fry an Egg on the Sidewalk Day, and no amount of scientific logic can crack this tradition
The fossil is about 1.8 million years old, meaning the bird may have arrived on the continent around the same time as <i>Homo erectus</i>
Despite being much smaller than previous fires, the river blaze in Cleveland 50 years ago became a symbol for the nascent environmental movement
Beyond Dinosaurs: The Secrets of Earth's Past
The only hyena to live in North America, <i>Chasmaporthetes</i>, had the stature of a wolf and the powerful jaws of its modern relatives
Beyond Dinosaurs: The Secrets of Earth's Past
Geologists Erin DiMaggio and Alka Tripathy-Lang explain techniques for targeting the age of a fossil find
Grape seeds dating back to medieval and Roman periods share many similarities with the wine grapes we enjoy today
Beyond Dinosaurs: The Secrets of Earth's Past
To explain the exceedingly long life of the planet, the Smithsonian’s new fossil hall designers began with this arboreal wonder
Beyond Dinosaurs: The Secrets of Earth's Past
Learn from the Smithsonian’s curator of vertebrate paleontology Anna K. Behrensmeyer, a pioneer in the study of how organic remains become fossils
Originally told she could not go to Antarctica without another woman to accompany her, Peden now has a line of cliffs on the continent named in her honor
A Japanese shrub’s unique foliage arrangement leads botanists to rethink plant growth models
Two studies greatly increase the amount of information we have about the peoples who first populated North America—from the Arctic to the Southwest U.S.
Beyond Dinosaurs: The Secrets of Earth's Past
A discovery in an Australian opal mine remained unexamined for three decades—it turned out to be the most complete opalized dinosaur skeleton in the world
Beyond Dinosaurs: The Secrets of Earth's Past
The much-anticipated exhibition is packed full of Mesozoic dinosaur drama, new science, hands-on discoveries and state-of-the-art museum artistry
Beyond Dinosaurs: The Secrets of Earth's Past
Stanford University’s Katharine Maher explains the mechanisms that heat and cool the planet
Beyond Dinosaurs: The Secrets of Earth's Past
Smithsonian’s Hans-Dieter Sues, who has collected fossil vertebrates in the U.S. and around the world shares some of his tips
Abnormally high temperatures have led to unsafe travel conditions, uncertain ecological futures and even multiple deaths
Ancient fungus helps rewrite what we know about evolution and the tree of life
Changes in plankton populations over the past centuries correlate with rising sea temperatures
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