In the year 2062, you really, really don't want to hit a ball out of bounds
Visit the futuristic town where drivers and non-drivers live in perfect harmony
A kids' magazine in the '80s hoped that by now we'd have a whole new array of pets to choose from
Montague Jetson is 110 years old--and loving it
Don't touch that dial....really, don't
Never trust a robot co-worker
Find out which famous writers didn't make the top ten in this poll
Kids of the 1960s were let in on the secret of how television is made.
The inventor may have been brilliant, but his warped views on the future of the population reveals that in the end, he was still just human
The personal humanoid robotic assistant easily makes the short list of retro-futuristic dreams still unfulfilled
Some people thought that once women were allowed to vote, men would soon lose that privilege
Viewers got their first look at jetpacks as well as what actually happens on the ground beneath the Jetsons, and while it may not be zombies, it isn't pretty
The famous author envisioned a brave new world where swelling populations would put tremendous strain on the Earth's resources
A camping trip to the moon might seem fanciful, but 1960s advertisers were already promoting space tourism
Much to our chagrin, Rosey did not make it. But who did?
George and Mr. Spacely sneak off to watch the big game, but are caught in the act by Jane on the family's super-sized television
The cure for lonely space missions? One astronomer proposed hiring astronaut concubines
Man's best friend has been fending off the the threat of a robot replacement for decades, not just on television
The ideal future according to a ten-year-old: shorter school days, lower taxes, and lots and lots of robots
The Jetsons didn't invent the flying car, but it sure did a lot to cement the idea of the airborne automobile into the American imagination
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