Adventurer Casey Anderson has tracked a female mountain lion to her unlikely den: an abandoned ranch close to his home
A new 'Joe Camel'-esque phenomenon may be igniting as the new fad takes a 21st-century page out of an old playbook
Climate change and desperation are putting the country’s unique history at risk
Strong, multi-generational ties help the cetaceans make the same migrations year after year
The fossil builds on the theory that humans left Africa in multiple waves, and suggests they made it as far as the Arabian Desert
Western science long relied on the knowledge and exploitation of colonized peoples. In many ways, it still does
Arctic people have been communicating with cetaceans for centuries. The rest of the world is finally listening in
Wild populations of these loveable fuzz-faced bears need help, and scientists are on the case
In 2013, Tim Samaras died in one of the epic storms he'd spent decades chasing. A new book chronicles his harrowing last days
Astrophysicists, vehicle technicians and biologists joined the party to bring cutting-edge research to fictional worlds
Smithsonian scientists hunting these supermassive objects reflect on the legacy of one of the world’s most inspiring intellects
And what it can teach us about the second
2300 years later, new patterns continue to show up in these indivisible tricksters
A professor told Ursula Marvin she should learn to cook. Instead she chased down meteorites in Antarctica
How do you deal with a king cobra that's holed up in a busy village in India? If you’re Gowri Shankar, it’s a simple matter of snake by the tail
A newly discovered “lachrymal saber” could illuminate relationships between an order of deadly fishes
At this year's Future Con, researchers will describe a future of food in space that is anything but bland
In tropical Curaçao, Smithsonian researchers are constantly confronting the unknown
The health of forests of underwater plankton have a big impact on the environment, and oceanographers are just starting to understand it
New research shows that indigenous Peruvians were more resilient than the conquering Inca gave them credit for
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