Rarely do apex predators recover from human oppression. These otters are an exception
Location-based data might help pinpoint key ecosystems—or make conservation a popularity contest
The new film <i>Amazon Adventure</i> turns decades of research into 45 minutes of visual majesty
Based on reporting, the ocean has long appeared to offer an infinite bounty of fish. But research paints a grim picture, with annual catch on a decline
Taking to the sky to show how industry shapes the earth
High-tech tools divulge new information about the mysterious and violent fates met by these corpses
W.H. Hudson wrote one of the 20th century’s greatest memoirs after a fever rekindled visions of his childhood.
Astronomers call LHS 1140b one of the "best targets" for hunting liquid water with NASA's James Webb Space Telescope
Dental clues confirm some rumors about the ravenous cats of Tsavo, while also raising new questions
A team of medievalists and scientists look back to history—including a 1,000-year-old eyesalve recipe—for clues
A mainstay of Western culture, the free-roaming stallions are now a force to be reckoned with
Surprising new research shows that placebos still work even when you know they’re not real
But don’t go for the jar of almond butter just yet
Millions of seahorses meet their doom each year as by-catch in a fisherman’s net. Less-charming fish may share the same fate
What can conservationists learn from New Zealand’s official “spokesbird,” a YouTube celebrity who tries to mate with people’s heads?
A new study of the Hudson River estuary tracked spring migration of ocean fish by collecting water samples
Researchers have documented one of the first instances of social avoidance in a non-human animal
A new analysis of an ancient enigma offers clues as to how dino evolution unfolded
Ancient climate change may have spurred a revolution in ant agriculture, Smithsonian researchers find
<i>Body Worlds</i> taps into a long, fraught history of humans displaying the deceased for "science"
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