The scientist considers both a response to the vastness of the universe
Komodos could be the perfect model for studying host-microbe interactions
The repository, which has long provided feathers to tribes for traditional uses, also helps bird conservation researchers
A dose of caution with the results of an intriguing new study
The Mars 2020 rover doesn’t even have a name yet—but it already has an ambitious goal
The Falcon 9 blow up may be a sign that Elon Musk is moving too fast
Smithsonian scientists have discovered a huge cloud of super hot gas expanding from the middle of our galaxy
A giant killer hornet war is waged between two colonies, and the resources, territories, and survival of a new generation are at stake
Journey to the Center of Earth
Sea levels are dropping, earthquakes and volcanoes are waking up, and even the earth's axis is moving—all because of melting ice
Early conservation research and scientific expeditions laid the groundwork and helped to convince the public national parks were a good idea
Your reproductive tract is a biological miracle, and researchers are trying to recreate it
Some geologists believe we’ve entered a new era. Now they have to search for the rocks that prove it
Made from milk protein, it not only keeps food from spoiling, but it also could keep a lot of plastic out of landfills
Michael Jordan, Vanessa Hudgens and all those celeb dimples to die for? Just a result of a double zygomaticus major muscle
Journey to the Center of Earth
Slow earthquakes regularly move more earth than deadly fast quakes, but no one feels a thing
And after you read this, you will be too
Journey to the Center of Earth
James Hutton was a leading light of his time, but is rarely talked about today
Biologists at the University of Washington are launching a long-term study that involves testing medications that could enhance dogs' life spans
Researchers think they've reconstructed the fatal plunge and last terrifying seconds of the hominin's life
A novel and slightly gross study aims to fill in gaps in our understanding of Americans' food waste
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