The new findings put a wrench in conservation of one of the world's rarest birds
How these diverse predators ended up getting all the credit
They thought the frozen earth would keep it safely hidden. They were wrong
In 1913, temperatures in Death Valley reached a world-record high of 134 degrees Fahrenheit
These threatened cats now occupy just 8 percent of their historic range in Cambodia, new population estimate finds
Journey to the Center of Earth
From a childhood spent discovering fossils to tangling over questions of ancient life and death, this scientist constantly pushes the boundaries.
Garbage isn't destined to swirl in the ocean forever; new models show it eventually washes up on shore.
Each time rattlesnakes shed their skin, a scale remains behind which, in time, becomes the infamous rattle
The concept of species is flawed, but it still has a huge bearing on conservation policy
Scientists find that wealthier neighborhoods sport a greater diversity of bugs
Dwindling freshwater sealed the demise of the St. Paul woolly mammoths, and could still pose a threat today
Dean Burnett’s new book, Idiot Brain, explains why your mind evolved to thwart you
The universe is far more welcoming to life today than it was when microbes on Earth arose—and will only grow more so
Smithsonian's new curator of frogs explains why some frogs seek privacy when they mate
Some experts say it lets us get away with producing more and more garbage.
A Smithsonian scientist dives deep to a coral reef and finds much to discover
Across the world, communities are reviving old ways of saving or storing water—with promising results
You’ve heard about the Stingray, but what about the Bionic Boxfish?
How we loved this dog into a genetic bind
Journey to the Center of Earth
Missions to study the other planetary bodies in our solar system could help solve the mystery of how our own came to be.
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