New research shows attaching LED lights to fishing nets can keep turtles from becoming accidentally entangled
A butterfly's slow wing beat enables it to make rapid and unpredictable changes of direction. Here's why that's such a useful trait
A sensor-packed egg, developed by a team at Microduino, could lead to clues about the birds' livelihood
More than just a desire to learn, a seat aboard the historic vessel Hōkūle`a requires skill, dedication and well, . . .obsession
What does CPR have to do with the curious case of clinically dead patients coming “back to life”?
The stubby limbs may seem out of place, but they may have been key to the <i>T. rex’s</i> terrifying bite
If the tiny hominins ever coexisted with modern humans, the arrangement apparently didn't last long
The enormous impact basin may be slowly traveling across the dwarf planet’s surface
Despite more than a century of study, scientists still have much more to learn about the complex world of ant communication
Potential partners size you up in seconds, and the way you sit or stand matters
Temperatures drive rocks to expand and contract—until one lovely day when slabs may suddenly fall
A close look at trade in bushmeat finds that consumption is common and out in the open
Dogs labeled as pit bulls at shelters may wait three times longer to be adopted—even when they aren’t actually pit bulls
The NASA adviser and author of a new book gives some insight on living beyond the Earth's atmosphere
What is the root of why our ancestors gained the power to walk on two feet and chimpanzees didn't?
A new book spotlights the astonishing diversity of avian plumage
You asked, we answered
The stunning results when a photographer uses remote cameras to capture Africa's great beasts
Scientists are sitting on top of the world after this monumental discovery and are eager to keep exploring the universe
Recent surprise discoveries at the national park have prompted a complete rethinking about the creatures of the Jurassic Era
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