After just a few weeks of training, the brainy birds rivaled human levels of accuracy in their diagnoses
Scientists and spectators gathered on an Oregon beach for the rare, messy, mesmerizing sight of a whale being carefully dismantled for museum display
Matt Damon made it look easy in the recent Hollywood blockbuster, but Mars and Earth aren't really all that different after all
Those adorable and charming spots splayed across the nose and cheeks might also be an indicator of sun damage
Tossing an apple is like pouring 25 gallons of water down the drain, and the average American does that 17 times a year
A Yale paleontologist is blending fossil studies and bird genes to trace the ways dinosaurs transformed into today's feathered flocks
Ancient volcanic rocks may have preserved tiny samples of the planet’s original moisture
Fossils from Germany could help researchers better understand modern bee eating habits and better protect the beloved pollinators
The scientist behind NASA's New Horizons mission gave cheering earthlings their first close-up view of the dwarf planet
Engineer Rana el Kaliouby is set to change the way we interact with our devices—and each other
Rudolph Tanzi and Doo Yeon Kim have invented a revolutionary new tool to study the mysteries of the disease and counter the coming epidemic of dementia
Adding to their supervillain-esque powers, roaches can gnaw through tough materials with surprisingly strong jaws
Traditions and turkey don't have to be incompatible with Earth-friendly practices
A new test for planetary status leaves the diminutive world and its dwarf planet kin out of the family portrait
Two southern peaks have depressions that hint they once spewed icy slurry onto the tiny world's surface
The bizarre <em>Mortuneria</em> used sieve-like teeth to strain tasty morsels from the muddy Cretaceous seafloor
The data, based on tree rings, fills in details about past events and could help improve climate modeling for the future
Observations from the MAVEN spacecraft should help scientists figure out if and when Mars had the right conditions for life
A large-scale study suggests that talk therapy may have longer-lasting benefits than light boxes for treating wintertime blues
Meet "the Ferrari of raptors," a lithe killing machine that could have taken down a young <em>T. rex</em>
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