

The Colorado: America’s Most Endangered River

A new report points to drought, climate change and increased demand for water as the reasons the iconic river no longer reaches the sea

An artist’s rendering of Fog Bridge at the Exploratorium in San Francisco.

An Artist Creates Artificial Fog in San Francisco

Fujiko Nakaya works with an unusual medium. The Japanese artist is sculpting fog clouds at the Exploratorium's new site at Pier 15


Fathers Recognize Their Babies’ Cries Just as Well as Mothers

A new study shows that fathers and mothers are equally capable at knowing their infant's unique cry—if both contribute to parenting equally


Five Surprising Facts About the Common Cold

How far do germs travel after a sneeze? Can you really catch a cold if it's chilly outside? And does vitamin C actually help battle cold symptoms?


Merely a Taste of Beer Can Trigger a Rush of Chemical Pleasure in the Brain

New research shows just a sip can cause the potent neurotransmitter dopamine to flood the brain


Should We Fall Out of Love with Robot Surgery?

The FDA is investigating whether doctors aren't getting enough training before they start using machines to do surgery. Is the "wow" factor to blame?


If You Watch Slow Loris Videos on YouTube, Are You Threatening the Species' Survival?

Never has been being so cute been so dangerous


Educating Americans for the 21st Century

How to Count to 100,000 STEM Teachers in 10 Years

Talia Milgrom-Elcott is building a coalition of the willing, an army devoted to bringing thousands of educators to the classroom

Technician Maggie Halloran explains to a group of high school students how DNA sequencing works at the National Museum of Natural History’s new Laboratories of Analytical Biology (LAB), a molecular biotechnology hub.

Educating Americans for the 21st Century

How Museums Are Fostering the Workforce of the Future

The Smithsonian’s Natural History Museum gives high school students an inside look at collections, labs and the people who run them


Why Humidity Makes Your Hair Curl

Humid air causes hydrogen bonds to form between water molecules and the proteins in your hair, triggering curls and frizz

Manassas Park Elementary School, Manassas, Virginia. Architect: VMDO Architects, PC.

Educating Americans for the 21st Century

Where Are the Greenest Schools in the Country?

The definition of being eco-conscious is so much more than having solar panels on a roof


Revealed: The Part of Our Brains That Makes Us Like New Music

Imaging technology shows that a reward center known as the nucleus accumbens lights up when we hear melodies we love


Where Have the Trees of Guam Gone?

Scientists are investigating whether the obliteration of the island's bird species is thinning the tree canopy and could alter the forests' structure


Researchers Turn Brains Transparent By Sucking Out the Fat

By turning brains clear and applying colored dyes, connections between neuron networks can now be examined in 3D at unprecedented levels of detail

This adult male bedbug wants to suck your blood.

Bean Leaves Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite by Using Tiny, Impaling Spikes

Researchers hope to design a new bedbug eradication method based upon a folk remedy of trapping the bloodsuckers as they creep

Who’s in the suit? Increasingly, it’s our digital selves.

How to Travel to Outer Space Without Spending Millions of Dollars

Who's in the space suit? Increasingly, it is our digital selves


What’s in Century-Old ‘Snake Oil’ Medicines? Mercury and Lead

A chemical analysis of early 1900s medicines, billed as cure-alls, revealed vitamins and calcium along with toxic compounds


New Web Tool Helps Avoid Flooding by Finding the Best Spots to Build Wetlands

Specifically placed small wetlands can help capture watershed runoff, helping city planners to guard against flood disasters

April 4, 2013: Taylor Swift, by Klari Reis

Every Day a Different Dish: Klari Reis’ Petri Paintings

This year, a San Francisco-based artist will unveil 365 new paintings, reminiscent of growing bacteria, on her blog, The Daily Dish

Imagine them without the blades

Do Wind Turbines Need a Rethink?

They're still a threat to bats and birds and now they even have their own "syndrome". So, are there better ways to capture the wind?

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