
In a new study, scientists evaluated female job applicants as less competent and hireable than males, even though their credentials were identical.

Are Scientists Sexist? New Study Identifies a Gender Bias

A new study indicates that the gatekeepers of science, whether male or female, are less likely to hire female applicants to work in labs

Neanderthals may have collected feathers from dark birds, such as black vultures (shown), for ornamental purposes, a new study suggests.

Do Feathers Reveal Neanderthal Brainpower?

Neanderthals may have used feathers as personal ornaments, which suggests our cousins were capable of symbolic expression


Top 5 “Science Done Right” Moments in Movies

Directors take note: scientist and author David Kirby commends the accuracy in these popular films

A new study indicates that having a winning sports team may make us more likely to reelect an incumbent politician.

Is Your Vote Affected By Your Home Team’s Wins and Losses?

A new study indicates that having a winning sports team may make us more likely to reelect an incumbent politician


What Kind of Dinosaur is Godzilla?

Everyone knows that Godzilla is a radioactive dinosaur, but just what sort of dinosaur is the famous monster?


Same Gene Guides Cheetah and Tabby Cat Coat Patterns

A mutation in one gene produces tabby cats with blotches and cheetahs with stripes


What Makes Chocolate So Irresistible? A New Study Hints at an Answer

Scientists reveal that surges of a chemical in an unexpected area of the brain might make us crave sweets


The Awkwardness of Tyrant Teens

Adult T. rex had the most powerful bite of any creature to walk the earth, but they had to grow into that destructive power

The road more traveled.

Getting Smart About Traffic

Thanks to GPS, sensors, artificial intelligence and even algorithms based on the behavior of E. coli, it's possible to imagine the end of commuting madness


The Rock of Gibraltar: Neanderthals’ Last Refuge

Gibraltar hosted some of the last-surviving Neanderthals and was home to one of the first Neanderthal fossil discoveries


Tussling Over Thecodontosaurus

The history of Thecodontosaurus, the fourth dinosaur ever named, is a tangled tale of paleontologist politics


Top 5 “Science Done Wrong” Moments in Movies

From asteroids to cloning, author and scientist David Kirby weighs in


The World’s 5 Most Mysterious Bird Species

Stunning plumage, strange eating habits and extreme rareness characterize these enigmatic birds


The Unfortunate Life of Speckles the Tyrannosaur

Combining tropes from various other films, Speckles: The Tarbosaurus 3D shows just how tired dinosaur cinema is

A new study finds a correlation between levels of BPA, a chemical used to line the inside of aluminum cans, and obesity in children and teens.

Is the Can Worse Than the Soda? Study Finds Correlation Between BPA and Obesity

BPA, a chemical used in aluminum soda cans and other food packaging, was found to be associated with childhood obesity in a new study

Coral bleaching off Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean.

Majority of Coral Reefs Will Be Damaged By 2030 Due to Rising Greenhouse Gases

A new study finds that 70 percent of coral reefs worldwide will be damaged by warmer and more acidic waters

A dog named Maz collects on his psychic debt.

How Dogs Fight Cancer

Man's best friend is becoming a key player in fighting cancer, allowing scientists to speed up the process of connecting dots between genetics and disease


The Worst Dinosaur Ever

There are plenty of awful movie dinosaurs, but the tyrannosaur in a 1990 rip-off of The Fly is the worst of all

Human running is less efficient than the running of a typical mammal with the same body mass, a new study finds.

Energy Efficiency Doesn’t Explain Human Walking?

A new study of mammal locomotion challenges the claim that hominids evolved two-legged walking because of its energy savings


Sinking a Sauropod

Paleontologists are naming new dinosaurs every week, but some names are eventually sent to the scientific wastebasket

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