Beauty, mystery and deceit—the Smithsonian's collection of nearly 8,000 live orchids has it all
Thanks to one 1888 paper, paleontologists still divide dinosaurs between the bird-hips and lizard-hips
Some researchers insist that birds are not dinosaurs, but do they have any evidence?
A new study shows that our perceptions of wealth don't always match up with reality
If the non-avian dinosaurs hadn't died out 65 million years ago, what would they look like today?
Scientists have several candidates for the title of earliest Homo sapiens
"Going the way of the dinosaur" is a popular phrase, but one drawn from bizarre 20th century ideas that dinosaurs were due for an extinction
Students in England concluded that the Star Wars space station could easily have destroyed an Earth-like planet
Parasaurolophus is one of the most perplexing dinosaurs - what did it use its huge crest for?
Naturally occurring uranium doesn't have enough of the fissile isotope U-235 to set off a nuclear reaction, but scientists found ways to increase the stuff
On December 6, 1916, a German military vessel sunk a highly-valued shipment of Canadian dinosaurs
Dental, dietary and environmental clues help explain why the world's largest ape vanished
Mount Everest is a just a peewee when compared with such giants as Olympus Mons on Mars
Charles R. Knight, one of the greatest paleoartists ever, battled his boss, artistic society and his own eyesight to bring prehistoric creatures to life
The black-marble jawfish takes advantage of its coloring to blend in with an octopus and stay safe from predators
This has to be the most adorable dinosaur correction I have ever seen
Being spicy helps a chili plant protect its fruit from fungal rot, but it has a downside in dry conditions
Scientists have several explanations for why modern humans are the only hominids that have chins
Dinosaur tracks aren't just scientific curiosities--they have also inspired many legends in China
#5: Cartoons lie—elephants don't like peanuts
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