

Tongues: They Do More Than Just Lick

In April 2005, Zazi, one of the National Zoo’s female cheetahs, gave birth to six cubs.

What Animal is the Best Mother?

Cheetahs and gorillas have some of the strongest maternal instincts, according to a National Zoo biologist


How Tyrannosaurus Lost a Finger


Wicked Bugs (and Spiders and Worms and Other Creepy Crawlies)

A Gorgosaurus tries to scare a group of Troodon away from a hapless ankylosaur in this promotional image for March of the Dinosaurs.

March of the Dinosaurs


Bonobos Tell Each Other Where to Find the Yummy Foods

Matina Kalcounis-Rueppell deciphers the ultrasonic chatter, shown here plotted on a spectrograph, of a deer mouse.

The Mystery of the Singing Mice

A scientist has discovered that high-pitched sounds made by the small rodents could actually be melodious songs

"We're just seeing the start of matching patients with the right drug and seeing rapid improvements," says Dr. Brian Druker.

A Triumph in the War Against Cancer

Oncologist Brian Druker developed a new treatment for a deadly cancer, leading to a breakthrough that has transformed medicine

Spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) hangs by tail with mouth open.

Wild Things: Spider Monkeys, Fire Ants, Hagfish and More...

Dinosaur "thunder thighs" and fast-flying moths


Blog Carnival #31: Ancient Earth, World's Oldest ToothAche, Pot-Bellied Dinos and More


The Gold and Silver Beetles of Costa Rica

Argentinosaurus and Futalognkosaurus, pictured, from prehistoric South America, stretched more than 100 feet long and weighed in excess of 70 tons.

How to Build a Giant Dinosaur

Sauropods were humongous creatures, but how they got so large is a mystery that paleontologists are still trying to unravel


What Tales Do Albertosaurus Injuries Tell?


15 Facts About Tornadoes

Decades of research have made these storms more predictable, giving people more time to find shelter, but we're sadly still vulnerable


Sarah Zielinski Wins Writing Award


Search for Alien Signals Goes on Hiatus


Dinosaur Sighting: Tyrannosaur Stowaway


Why the MoMA Should Have Dinosaurs


What Price Do We Put on an Endangered Bird?


What's Blocking Your Drain?

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