
Jane McGonigal, 33, creates "alternative reality games," which take place in virtual environments yet encourage players to take real actions.

Jane McGonigal on How Computer Games Make You Smarter

The "alternate reality game" designer looks to develop ways in which people can combine play with problem-solving

Ferrets raised in captivity are getting a taste of what it takes to go wild.

Survival Training, Ferret Style

Before the captive animals can go free, they have to hone their killer instinct at a conservation center in Colorado

Seldom-seen rulers of their wintry domain, lynx may face new threats.

Tracking the Elusive Lynx

Rare and maddeningly elusive, the "ghost cat" tries to give scientists the slip high in the mountains of Montana

The center of our Milky Way galaxy is even more breathtaking when seen as a composite made of data from three space-based instruments sensitive to different wavelengths.

Brilliant Space Photos From Chandra and Spitzer

Two unsung space telescopes create eye-opening images of the universe from light we can't see


Wild Things: Great Whites, Tree Snakes, Drongos and More

These animals redefine life as we know it


Are Humans an Invasive Species?


The Great Triceratops Debate Continues


Female Lizard Uses Patches of Color to Announce Mother Potential

Lizard moms wear their egg quality on their sleeves – or at least on their necks


Teratophoneus: Utah's Monstrous, Murderous New Tyrannosaur


Blog Carnival # 28: Eating Han Solo, Extinction Cakes, Art and Science and More


Seven Steps to Antarctic Living


For T. rex, Scavenging Was a Tough Gig


The Shark That Will Give You More Nightmares Than Jaws


Linhenykus: A weird, one-fingered dinosaur


Rare Sunda Clouded Leopards Come in Two Varieties


Dinos Coming to Big and Small Screens

A Walk Through the Woods Leads to Insight on Numbers


Giant Crayfish Species Found in Tennessee


Pterosaurs Were Born to Fly

Fossil suggests female pterosaurs had birthing hips


What Can the Banking Industry Learn From Ecology?

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