
The Solúcar facility's acres of heliostats, or mirrors, focus the sun's rays to create temperatures of 570 degrees, generating energy but not harmful emissions.

A Spanish Breakthrough in Harnessing Solar Power

Solar technologies being pioneered in Spain show even greater promise for the United States

Vinton Cerf, Internet pioneer, sees a need to separate Web fact from Web misinformation.

Vinton Cerf on Where the Internet Will Take Us

Google’s “Chief Internet Evangelist” talks about the direction of online connectivity and communication

Kevin Kelly worries devices like Apple's iPad, shown here with Smithsonian's first cover, nurtures action over contemplation.

Reading in a Whole New Way

As digital screens proliferate and people move from print to pixel, how will the act of reading change?

Angela Belcher got her powerful idea from an abalone shell.

Invisible Engineering

Chemist Angela Belcher looks to manufacture high technology out of viruses

Common Thresher Shark

Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Cobras, sharks, lemurs, hermit crabs and more...


Five Species Likely to Become Extinct in the Next 40 Years

Experts estimate that one-eighth of all bird species, one-fifth of mammal species and one-third of amphibian species are at risk


Extreme Jellyfish

There are some 2,000 species of jellyfish. Some are tasty, others will kill you with the tap of a tentacle. Here are nine varieties that really stand out


Koalas and Kangaroos Have South American Roots


Blog Carnival #22: Prehistoric Alphabets, New Blogs, Dinosaur Day and More


Monsters Resurrected: Everything I Love, and Hate, About Dino Documentaries


A Coral Reef Constructed From Yarn

This fall, a different kind of coral reef will be on display in the National Museum of Natural History's Ocean Hall


Create Your Own Museum: What Dinosaurs Would You Like to See on Display?


Electric Cars Won't Save Us from Climate Change


Brad Pitt, Sean Penn and... Dinosaurs?


New Technology Could Let Disabled Communicate by Sniffing


Hunting Dinosaurs in Montana

Our intrepid blogger heads out into the field


On the Trail of Elephants in Mali and Kenya

Blast From the Past: The Last Dinosaur


Ants Use Velcro to Catch Large Prey


New Study Says Torosaurus=Triceratops

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