
Fossil Fragments are Table Scraps of an Enormous Alligator


New Guidelines for Mountaintop Coal Mining


Museum Receives an Exquisite 215-Million-Year-Old Gift


Phobos, A Martian Moon


A New Ant-Eating Dinosaur, Xixianykus

Peeps diorama by Sarah Zielinski, Amanda Bensen and Jamie Simon

A Peep Experiment

In peep jousting, two peeps, armed with toothpicks, battle it out in a microwave


Blog Carnival #18: Resurrected Dinosaurs, Nostalgia for Kool-Aid and More From ArtEvolved

Columbian mammoths were larger than mastodons. Both once roamed North America.

Mammoths and Mastodons: All American Monsters

A mammoth discovery in 1705 sparked a fossil craze and gave the young United States a symbol of national might

Marine ecologist Jane Lubchenco recently spoke at the Natural History Museum on restoring the bounty of the world's oceans.

Q and A: Jane Lubchenco

The marine ecologist and administrator of NOAA discusses restoring the bounty of the world's oceans

Far from light and plunged into months-long darkness, Antarctica's South Pole Telescope is one of the best places on Earth for observing the universe.

Dark Energy: The Biggest Mystery in the Universe

At the South Pole, astronomers try to unravel a force greater than gravity that will determine the fate of the cosmos

Silky sifakas have long eked out an existence in rugged, high-altitude forests.  Now the growing number of people nearby pose a threat to the furtive primate.

Saving the Silky Sifaka

In Madagascar, an American researcher races to protect one of the world's rarest mammals, a white lemur known as the silky sifaka

Camargue horses running through water France

Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Feathered dinosaurs, white-coated horses, giant redwoods and more...


Accepting the Idea of Extinction


Dinosaur Sighting: I Think it Has Spotted Us!


Changing Climate May Have Led to Angkor's Downfall


New Comic Series Returns to Jurassic Park


Worst NASA Posters Ever


A Tyrannosaur From Down Under?


Uncovering Seitaad: An Interview With Mark Loewen


Turn Off the Lights!

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