

Tai Shan Will Return to China

The panda who has the distinction of being the first surviving cub born at the National Zoo will be returning to China


Ring-tailed Lemur: My Brother Stinks!


Worst... Dinosaurs... Ever...

It is not very difficult to bring dinosaurs back to life anymore, at least in movies. Film special effects have progressed to the point where virtual dinosaurs can easily be built to spec on the computer and directed with precision. If anything, sometimes it seems like there are too many computer-g...


The Decade's Worst Moments in Science


Dinosaur Sighting: Stars and Stripes Stegosaurus

Bacteria produces the vivid colors in the Gran Prismatic Spring.

From Close Up or Far Away, Amazing Volcano Photos

Geologist Bernhard Edmaier has been photographing the majestic beauty of active and dormant volcanoes for over 15 years


Discovery Channel Dinosaurs Bite Back


A Decade of Great Moments in Science


Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Butterfly GPS, glowing mushrooms, bat-hunting songbirds and more

Geladas (a male and female in the Simien Mountains) signal their status with the livid skin on their chests.

Ethiopia's Exotic Monkeys

High in the Simien Mountains, researchers are getting a close-up look at the exotic, socially adventuresome primates known as geladas

The NASA mission, called Stardust, brought back the only material—other than moon rocks—taken directly from a extraterrestrial body.

The Secrets Within Cosmic Dust

Dust captured by a spacecraft from a comet's tail holds clues to the origin of the solar system


Royal Society Puts 60 Historic Papers Online

Pórtico Hacienda Nápoles

Blog Carnival #14 -- Dawkins speaks out, Medellin Dinosaurs, Calgary Zoo and more...


Is Your Dinosaur Ready For Thanksgiving?

Birds That Fish... With Bait


Megalosaurus and the Balance of Nature


World's 10 Fastest Supercomputers


Dinosaur Sighting: Colorful Stegosaurus


Scientists Set Phasers to Stun


Picture of the Week—Portuguese Man o'War

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