

Hard Economic Times Hit Dinosaur Auctions


These Magnets Can Hurt


Picture of the Week—Lake Disappointment

The colors in this picture remind me of Vincent van Gogh, but it’s not a painting


Getting a Handle on Theropod Arms


Gertie on Tour


The Disappearing Arctic Coastline

For this month’s collection of 15 Must-See Endangered Cultural Treasures, I wrote about Herschel Island, on the coast of the Canadian Yukon


An Early Theropod Leaves an Impression on Scientists


Unexpected Considerations for the Home Funeral

Komodo dragon

Komodo Dragons: Cute, Deadly or Both?


The Dinosaur Name Game


Tracking Dinosaurs in New Jersey

A vegetable garden and less bottled water can help turn the White House "green."

Energy Efficiency at the White House

How environmental change can begin at the president's home

They may not be beautiful, but geoducks fetch a pretty price.

Geoducks: Happy as Clams

In the Pacific Northwest, fishermen are cashing in on the growing yen for geoducks, a funny-looking mollusk turned worldwide delicacy

In a span of ten years, more than 1,000 species were discovered in Southeast Asia's Greater Mekong region.

Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Mosquitoes, New Zealand flightless birds, pink lizards and more

Dinosaur National Monument

Blog Carnival Edition #5 -- Unbelievable Organisms, Titanoboa, Animatronics and More!


Picture of the Week—the Atmospheric Phenomenon Sprite

The Smithsonian Institution is taking many steps to ensure a greener future.

A Greener Smithsonian

In an Institution-wide pursuit of a greener future, researchers and engineers are furthering the cause of energy sustainability

Dr. Edward Arnett (in the orange vest), a scientist with Bat Conservation International and his bat-finding labrador retriever accompany plant manager Chris Long at the Casselman Wind Power Project in Pennsylvania.

Can Wind Power Be Wildlife Friendly

New research aims to stop turbines from killing bats and birds


Rebuilding Greensburg Green

Everyone assumed this Kansas town was destined to fade away. What would it take to reverse its course?

Tom Casten (right) is chairman and his son Sean is president and CEO of a company called Recycled Energy Development (RED) that is installing a heat-recovery system at West Virginia Alloys.

Converting Energy Waste into Electricity and Heat

Energy recycling wiz Tom Casten explains how to capture power that goes up in smoke

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