The green-and-white banner from an Illinois high school recalls the first Earth Day 50 years ago
The outbreak, and the travel bans and fears that come with it, have endangered long-running research projects
The renewable energy source has never quite lived up to its potential, but a new experiment in Nova Scotia could flip the script
Deepen your understanding of the natural world with these free resources
Fed up with invasive species and sterile landscapes, Douglas Tallamy urges Americans to go native and go natural
As the pachyderms increasingly clash with farmers and villagers over disappearing land, scientists study the way the animals' minds work
These scientists and inventors set out to change the planet with these out-of-the-box ideas
On July 31, 1971, Al Worden performed the first deep-space extra-vehicular activity. "No one in all of history" saw what he saw that day
In a famous 1970 teach-in demonstration, prosecutors hammered away at the nation’s most powerful defendant
Long victimized by poaching and deforestation, the primate species is in the midst of a surprising rebound that is sparking new hopes of recovery
The newly launched #SmithsonianEdu campaign highlights 1.7 million online tools geared specifically toward students and teachers
The purpose of such an elaborate structure remains a big open question
Studying how bats behave when they’re feeling ill could help researchers better understand how pathogens move through close-knit populations
On a ship frozen in the Arctic, scientists have spent all winter to shed light on exactly how the world is changing
Astronomers have more places to look for signs of intelligent life and more advanced tools to find it
Over time, trash that has been floating in the ocean gets covered in algae and other micro-organisms
A study of beads made from ostrich eggshells suggests the humans of the Kalahari Desert region formed social networks to help each other
A litany of issues in business, finance, container ship loading and aircraft loading derive from this one simple dilemma
A dive into the science behind why hand-washing and alcohol-based hand sanitizer work so well
In an illustrated narrative, Perseverance—scheduled to launch this summer—searches for any signs of past microbial life on Mars
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