A new study suggests ancient humans used cannabis to commune with nature, spirits or even the dead
The larvae of an invasive fly warp the birds’ nostrils, which in turn impacts their ability to stay in tune
In trials, the algorithm successfully pinpointed speakers’ gender, race and age
The heavy core of a giant asteroid may be buried beneath the moon's South Pole-Aitken basin
NASA is relaxing its restrictions on commercial activities on the ISS as part of an effort to free up funding for other projects
Made from wheat and barley, researchers believe the dough rings were likely ritual objects, not breakfast cereal
The notes stem from a 1970s pen pal correspondence between Otto and a young artist named Ryan Cooper
‘A democratic society is one that embraces tolerance, diversity and open-mindedness,’ Justice Michael Leburu said of the ruling
Hitting the High Notes: A Smithsonian Year of Music
Explosive allegations in <i>The New York Times Magazine</i> claim 500,000 one-of-a-kind master recordings were destroyed in Universal Fire
Chernobyl tourist agencies have reportedly experienced a 30 to 40 percent jump in bookings since the show’s premiere
Researchers call the results "frightening" because it's likely "gross underestimate” and the problem is probably much worse
Scientists think they have honed in on the spot where the collision occurred 1.2 billion years ago
By swapping beef for a poultry-based product just once a day, an individual can reduce their dietary carbon footprint by around 48 percent
The church's trustees hope to complete construction by 2026, the centenary of architect Antoni Gaudi's death
Jupiter will reach opposition the night of June 10, forming a straight line with Earth and the sun
The tree frog’s nose alternately sticks out straight or droops downward—much like a certain fictional wooden puppet
When humans feel anxious, their dogs do too, according to new study
Circus Roncalli is preserving the tradition of animal acts while eliminating concerns of animal cruelty
Traces of carbon-14 isotopes released by nuclear testing enable scientists to date paintings created post-World War II
It could be a sign of bees’ adaptability to a changing environment—but the habit might also be causing them harm
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