Culzean Castle, a towering fortress overlooking the cliffs of Ayrshire, sits atop a labyrinthine network allegedly used by smugglers, ghosts and fugitives
The Amos Rex Museum is located beneath Lasipalatsi, a 1930s shopping center known as the ‘Glass Palace’
The excavation comes amid a push to deal more openly with a difficult chapter of Spain’s history
A new satellite study shows the penguins travel over 4,000 miles to feed, even though their home shores are teeming with food
This fall, event organizers plan on constructing a pseudo-city within a block of Berlin in order to emulate life in an unfamiliar country
The watch belonged to Sinai Kantor, a Russian immigrant who died when the ship went down
Climate records gathered from stalagmites in Romanian caves show two extremely cold dry periods correspond with the disappearance of Neanderthals
A new study found that goats gravitate towards images of smiling people, suggesting that they can distinguish between human expressions
Scotland's oldest surviving manuscript, the Book of Deer, was written by monks living in the Aberdeenshire monastery
The author tinkered with and rewrote <em>The Fall of Gondolin</em>, one of his first tales of Middle-earth, many times during his career
Between 2015 and 2017, militants wreaked havoc on the site’s ancient treasures
The neuron is not found within lab mice, possibly explaining why mouse studies often do not translate to human brains
The German Lost Art Foundation removed the artworks from its database, suggesting they were saved by a collector's relatives rather than seized by Nazis
A new genetic study has found that the two species interbred
Researchers argue that lead exposure occurred prior to the start of the voyage, not during the stranded crew's battle for survival
Carbon dioxide decreases zinc, iron and protein in food crops, which could add millions of people to the billions who don't get enough nutrition
The foal lived between 30,000-40,000 years ago
A new system at Kenya's port of Mombasa allows dogs to detect elephant tusk, rhino horn and other illegal goods with one quick sniff
The P-38 fighter is a member of the famed Lost Squadron, which landed on ice caps after running afoul of poor weather in July 1942
The dig site found by metal detectorists 3 years ago appears to be a high-status homestead that once had two villas
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