The dilapidated structure appears to be an early iteration of the infamous Cold War partition
Explore continents, islands and unicorns with scholar Urbano Monte's epic map that's been digitally pieced together by Stanford’s David Rumsey Map Center
A new study has highlighted the scope of plastic pollution
Nevada's critically endangered fish are in an unseasonable spawn after the earthquake set their home rippling
Two bears and a cougar cub are recovering with their wounds wrapped in tilapia skin
Spanning 6,000 years, the well-preserved items hint at the history of mountain dwellers
January’s second full moon will appear slightly larger during its blood-red lunar eclipse
Researchers at the University College of London are working to find a way to read the ancient scraps without destroying the artifacts in the process
Thanks to some musical sleuthing, George W. Chadwick's ode to the now ubiquitous hot sauce brand has been revitalized by the New Orleans Opera
The sphere reflects so much sunlight it can be seen from Earth with the naked eye
It is the first time that scientists have successfully cloned primates using a method known as somatic cell nuclear transfer
A new campaign by historians seeks to bring recognition to the site where the 20th president was shot
The new population could double the known numbers of these oddball creatures
When an ancient supercontinent broke apart the Queensland peninsula may have gotten left behind
Historians pay tribute to the legacy of Naomi Parker Fraley, who died Saturday at 96. In 2015, she was linked, circumstantially, to the We Can Do It poster
A new study has found that 'lateral bias' in cats may be linked to gender
Amateurs and professionals comb snowy landscapes for shards of the exploded meteor
Geophysics, plate tectonics and the vast ocean all determine how severe a tsunami may be
The text sheds light on an unusual Jewish calendar
The 112 letters were written to filmmaker Claude Lanzmann, who had a seven-year relationship with the French philosopher
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