In 1951, the BBC played two carols from Turing's computer, which have now been recreated by New Zealand researchers
Researchers discover that the group of 28 animals are actually local residents, not just visitors
The Gulf corvina’s collective mating call is so powerful that it can damage the hearing of sea lions and dolphins
One was dedicated to Jefferson Davis, the other to Nathan Bedford Forrest
The character of American Christmas changed as a result of the Civil War
Believed to be from a rare polar dinosaur, the damage was discovered by a school class visiting Bunurong Marine National Park
Cudjo Lewis was captured and transported to the U.S. in 1860. After regaining his freedom five years later, he went on to help establish African Town
Phyllis Wheatley was a prodigy, but her ultimate fate reflects the gross racial disparities of 1700s America
Marshmallows and hot chocolate each have a long history, but their union only dates back about a century
In 2025, the agency will either try to grab a piece of a comet or send a space-helicopter drone to the surface of Saturn's moon Titan
To the British, Samuel Slater was ‘Slater the traitor,’ but to the Americans, he was the father of the American industrial revolution
Bask in the infinitely strange wonder of our planet with these gorgeous biodiversity galleries
A new analysis of this decades-old find suggests that they were indeed once biological life—but not all are convinced
The film supposedly had Communistic tendencies
Manipulating viruses could help prepare the U.S. for future pandemics, but it could also risk starting the next outbreak
Officials sought to prevent the manuscript from being sold at an upcoming auction
Rose Marie Reid's vision for beachwear helped shape the modern swimsuit
The center will bring together researchers, artists, historians and philosophers to learn how art museums can promote empathy and understanding
A new study of ‘Oumuamua suggests it's water ice covered with 20 inches of dry carbon compounds
The Isuma collective is a video production company run by Indigenous artists of the Canadian Arctic
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